Don't Argue With A Weather Stick
I suppose I'm going to have to admit that summer is closing and autumn is almost here. My Virginia Creeper is looking different today, more red than green I think...The sweet peas are still growing, maybe I planted them later than usual?But you can't argue with my weather stick! See how it's not sticking up for fine weather any more? Click here to see how it looked in the early summer, a very different story!Lots of trimming and weeding to do...and talking of things to do, I'm off now to tackle this week's Illustration Friday. See ya later! :)
I can't remember the name of the shop I bought mine, but just googled it and found it here:
Hope this helps!
Will you tell me more about this weather stick? Did you make it? Is it a particular kind of wood? Does it work anywhere? At any rate, I think it is very cool. In the US, my guess is it would be all over the place!
I really love your garden. It truly makes me long for those beautiful gardens of England and miss my dear English neighbor lady. Your garden is so beautiful. Do you know Wurzerl? A German woman who has a fabulous garden and writes a very interesting blog about it.
Thanks for sharing this lovely part of your life here, Jess!
Thanks Ruthie, I've not been out in ours very much recently either, I think that's why it's got so overgrown!... oh dear I don't like wasps at all! We had a wasps nest many years ago, very scary!