Glowing Leaves and Inquisitive Peacocks
Someone started walking towards me.
I looked at him with his stunningly beautiful colours and he looked at me with his beady eye.
"Who are you?" he said
Then someone else turned up to distract him for a while so I took the opportunity of taking their photo together.
They didn't seem to mind.
What a sunny weekend it was around these parts! Are you ready to see some glorious leavey colour? Then come with me through this beautiful gate and I'll show you some delights...
Trees,leaves and birds in the sunshine, pretty good combination don't you think? :) I hope you get a chance to see the glowing colours too!
Your peacock friends are magnificent, I love peacocks, they bring back happy memories for me!!
ps I'm now following you although I cannot quite understand why I wasn't before ;-)
je possède des paons et effectivement ils sont de nature très curieux... Ils adorent la musique et le "nutella"!!!
Gros bisous