
I started this page by writing "I want to sleep"
and the layers of collage and paint evolved from there.

I'm tired..can you tell?


rex said…
She's beautiful and peaceful and wouldn't it be lovely to sleep so soundly. I love it. Maybe I will dream in blue shades tonight......
Victoria said…
Wow..powerful imagery..the colors are dazzling ! This piece gives me a very explorative feeling..deep inside the dreamland and the journeys we take in mysterious places...just beauitiful! The purples-blues and greens are stunning together!powerful color-harmony here!
Love it!
Annie Lightbulb said…
whooo, her dress looks like she's listening and touching the whispers of the universe! Just so beautiful and magical!
Deborah said…
A beautiful picture, I love the colours, I'm with you, rather tired!

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Unknown said…
What a wonderfully ethereal picture. It really evoked the feel of a dream-filled sleep.

I hope you are able to re-charge your batteries and your tiredness is just temporary. There is a nasty little bug going round right now which my daughter is suffering from - hope you're not coming down with it.
Jess said…
Thanks Rex, I'd love to dream in shades of blue, what a lovely idea.

Thanks Victoria, I have been experiencing the most surreal dreams of late. :o)

Thankyou Julie, I love your description!

Thankyou Bee, you too, let's hope to catch up on sleep soon!

Thankyou Bella, I hope so too, it's as though I'm floating around in a trance a lot of the time!
renilde said…
I love your collages Jessie, the rich textures and patterns give them a lot of depth, i can see the longing for a good peaceful sleep, xx
rachel awes said…
even your tired is gorgeous!
kisses on your sleepy head. X
WrightStuff said…
Ooh you and me both... looking at this makes me decide that it's definitely time for bed now!
Tammie Lee said…
ah, i hope you get the rest you need. there is a dreamy peaceful feeling to this. lovely.
Clare said…
What a restful, peaceful picture - she has succumbed to her wariness and let herself rest. This time of the year seems to leave lots of us tired, we have tried to do too much, not listened to our bodies, been caught up in the rush and pace of life - now its time to rest.
Unknown said…
So beautiful! If you make a calendar, I think this would make a fantastic November!
Kristin_Texas said…
Nice! I love the colors. They really draw you in, and she does look peaceful.

I would love to get a nice night's sleep like that, but... I have a cat I have to fight with every night. Lol! I lose a lot of sleep because of that diva.

Ginny said…
I love the deep rich colors. She is truly beautiful.
Owen said…
Hi J., perfect, this is the last blog I'm visiting before heading off to bed after a ridiculously late night at work... tired can visit dreams perhaps, dreams where flowers of midnight blue run wild.
Sea Angels said…
No I can't tell you are tired rather your work looks dreamy, as if you are floating on a dream of beautiful imaginings...its really peaceful,
Happy weekend
Lynn xxxx
WrightStuff said…
Had to share with you - yesterday I had a reflexology session and a massage. Slept for 11 solid hours last night!!!!

Do you think I needed it?
Judy Hartman said…
Just popped by for a visit.
Your work is simply beautiful!
morikomidori said…
wishing you replenishing sleep and beautiful dreams.
i have just been admiring your most recent posts and absolutely love your new work i also think the sweet photograph of you in your youth is adorable! and how lovely that your eldest turned 33 on 11.11.11 :) my eldest will be 33 next may.
i am sorry i haven't commented very much lately, my time and energy have both been a bit sparce lately. it is always such a treat coming here and i am so glad i visited this evening.
i hoe that your energy returns to you soon xxx

rahmat isnaini said…
w o w
love it pict
Jess said…
Thankyou so much for your lovely comments :o) I'm still tired but seems par for the course these days! I do find accupuncture works, I always sleep deeply after a session of that but not had any for a few weeks! At least when we're sleepy we tap into the part of the brain that creates! ;O)
Carol said…
Beautiful dreamer.
Hope you can get some healing sleep, mostly I sleep well but if I don't....... exhausted!
I'm having my first 'Giveaway' so hope you'll pop over to my blog and take part.
Carol xx
Lisa Graham said…
I like this! What a lovely sleepyhead she is : )

Thank you so much for dropping in the other day! I look forward to seeing more of your work too!
Jess said…
Thanks Carol, I will. :)

Thankyou Lisa!
Karen said…
This is a lovely collage. Thank you for sharing your art!
Jess said…
Thanks Karen! :)

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