The Winner! :)

(click on picture to see much larger)
The day has dawned for me to announce the winner of my recent giveaway. Thankyou so much for following me, and a big thankyou and welcome to my new followers!

So, the winner of my watercolour painting is

Congratulations Cynnie! Could you please send me your address so that I can send it to you?


Do you remember I was making some patchwork a few weeks ago? Well I've finished my cushion but now I have the patchwork bug! I can't stop and I've started yet another one!

I might have gone a bit mad with the very bright primary colours of this one but I think it looks just right amongst the paler colours of the room don't you? But what else can a colour junkie say?! ;-)

The blue patchwork cushion is one I made before and the table is of course painted by me. :)

Blogger is still having a few problems with allowing comments on some people's blogs. Please know I have been leaving comments but sometimes I'm asked to sign in again, which I do, but then I'm back on the same page once more!
You might be able to get over this problem by changing your comments settings to a 'pop-out' box and then lots more of us will be able to comment - yay! :)


Robin Larkspur said…
congrats to your winner,lucky gal! Ooooh I your patchwork. Wish I could sew.
OMG......REALLY!!!I cannot stop smiling!!!! Oh heck I cannot wait to frame it and hang it on my admiration wall. It will be a big conversation piece for sure!!! I am thrilled to say the have made my day. I thank you soooo very much!!
Your pillows look so fresh and pretty and all in one of my favorite colors...aqua!!! And lastly, thanks for the link to my is a German spelling so I understand:) has only one L
but that is kind of cute that way...almost a pun sort a gal with a galerie:) Wishing you a fabulous day Jessie...will email you ASAP!!!
me again,,,I cannot find an email address for you on your blog. I know I have it in my email address book....will look for it,,,could you please reply to this comment and I will write you back......thanks:)
Jess said…
Hi Cynnie, I've emailed you, hope you've got it! :) Let me know here if you haven't.
renilde said…
Congrats to the lucky winner!
Your sofa looks surely inviting, very nice work, x
Carol said…
Congratulations Cynie, Jessie's pictures are really special.
I've recently put my crochet hook away and started patchworking again. At the moment I am making a doll's cot quilt and pillowcase. The patchwork tops are done, just need to make the 'sandwich' now.
Love your cushions, especially the bright and breezy one.
Carol xx
Jess said…
Thankyou! I enjoy making them too. It's a good way to wind down at the end of the day. :)
Victoria said…
Yay Congrats to the lucky winner! and wow..such fabulous are awesome and such a creative spirit!
Shine on!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Jessie, do you have photoshop or something similar?
I will try and take you step by step through making the vid, its quite easy.
Anonymous said…
1: make a folder for your photos that you wish to use.
2: use photoshop or something similar to make pages with writing on and your photos etc. Like your making slides.
3: go to youtube and go onto your video's button
4: there is a new edline at the top in blue line "animate create your story video slide show" Try it now.
5: Press on one true media and it will take you step by step and add the music for you. You can play around in there with different songs etc. So cool!
Hope this help?
If you need help with photoshop let me know.
P.s I'm not good with any other program, Mark my hubby is good with coral draw. I could ask for the difference.
Magic Love Crow said…
Hi Jessie, I just wanted to say, thanks for coming by my blog ;o) I love your cushions! How beautiful ;o) Have a great day ;o)
Priti Lisa said…
I would love to have a pillow like is just so HAPPY! I am always awestruck by art that I know I would never even try...beautiful work.
PS: thanks for the visit to my slightly ignored blog...maybe you would like this one better...

I wish I knew how to make it a clickable link...♥♥♥

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