300 Followers! A Giveaway Thankyou :)

This morning I noticed to my delight that I have reached 300 followers! Thankyou all so much for your visits and for your wonderful words. I very much appreciate your visits and love to read your messages. In my last post I showed you a painting that I'd almost finished, ready to sell on Ebay. Instead of doing this, I've decided to give it away as a gift to one of you out there in the Bloggesphere! To win this all you need to do is to become a follower (if you haven't already) and to leave a comment on this post. :)) 

It measures 12 by 9 inches and is painted with watercolours with added touches of gold and silver. The scan doesn't pick up the metallic shiny bits very well, so here are a couple of photos too.

I hope it will find a nice new kindly home!

Now that I've got my camera out, I thought I'd snap a few flowers in my garden.

I like deeply coloured ones.

and brightly coloured ones.

(click on photo to see much bigger)

and then I heard a buzzing noise and quickly took this one before the little bee flew away.

Happy weekend to you, it looks as though we might actually get some sunshine this time!xx


Kathryn Dyche said…
Congratulations on reaching 300 followers. Have a wonderful weekend.
Kathy De Wit said…
ooooh that looks great Jessie, the evolution in your work is wonderful and I love it to come and visit this place from time to time ;) Have a huge and warm summertime! x Kathy
mainili said…
Beautiful art! I love the colors.
Congratulations! for reaching 300 followers.
300 followers, because there´s something very special with your blog :-) visiting your paintings is like diving into dreaming state and having a short break from it all...

Greetings from Austria again
Carol said…
Congratulations, Jessica, I'm not surprised your lovely blog has 300 followers.
Whoever is lucky enough to win your Giveaway will be delighted to own one of your wonderful pictures.
Carol xx
Tammie Lee said…
your garden looks lovely~

such a sweet and charming painting and you have a lovely and generous heart to celebrate with a give away.

Lovely weekend to you.
Congrats on 300! How generous of you to offer us faithful followers a chance to have a piece of your work.
I´d hang it on my admiration wall front and center for all to admire.
Wishes for a sunny weekend!
rachel awes said…
i'm already a follower
but i still wanted to say
congrats on 300!!!
loooooove 2 u!!! xox
Julia Christie said…
What a sweet painting! I love it! and your garden is just so beautiful!!! Oh I am hoping we get some sun here too...been raining most of the week - Where is Summer anyway???

Kat W said…
I thought I was already following you but it seems I wasn't - but I am now :-)

Gorgeous painting - I love your art style.

Congrats on your 300 followers - actually now you can make it 301!

Kat :-)
Kat W said…
Oh no, sorry Jessie - I was originally correct and was already following you so I think maybe not 301. Oh I'm all confused (easily done in my case). Kat :-))
WrightStuff said…
Ooh we likey! I'm already following your lovely art. Missed out on the girl with the broom on ebay so better luck this time I hope!
Bev said…
i love your blog and follow u on google reader but u dont know that , google is so annoying , it gives us choices and reader is easier for me but as i said u dont know that lol so ive hit the follow button cause i want to win lol now i follow u two ways , just wish google would tie it all together ....hugz bev
The Fey Haven said…
This is so lovely!! I have just found your art, I love your style :)
Karen said…
Congratulations Jessie on 300 followers! Enjoy the sunshine this weekend. x
CraveCute said…
Congratulations on 300+ followers. Your new painting is lovely. Beautiful color pallete!

Those cherry red nasturtiums are gorgeous!
Kristin Dudish said…
Congratulations on 300 followers (I am already one of them :) )

Your painting, your blog (and your garden) are all beautiful... Enjoy this well deserved milestone! Wheee!!!

Victoria said…
Yay Jessie...congrats to you! Yay!! Cheers! how fabulous! and how generous of you to have such a beautiful giveaway...shine on..and whoever wins will be very lucky to recieve a piece of your magic!!
Robin Larkspur said…
300 followers is great, and you deserve many more to see your art!! I happily enter your giveaway, the blues and greens in your painting are perfect! Have a wonderful weekend! Blessings and hugs from Robin.
Your art is very fun and whimsical. I love the birds. They are neat and adorable.
JessiVille said…
Jessie, Congrats on your 300 followers! I just love your new blog header. The colors just sing for me and instantly elevate my mood! Thank you for a chance to win your latest fab creation!
Hugs, Jessi xox
renilde said…
Jessie, i just noticed i mist several of your post(busy, busy) maybe i'm a bit late but congratulations! keep surprising us. Did you know you can eat those nasturtium flowers, i like there fresh, peppery taste and i do use lots of garlic too, x
Cori Lynn Berg said…
Oh yey! I got my chance in! Love you! Love your work!

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