Umbrellas and Life Drawings

After having to rush back home to fetch a second umbrella because the first one refused to stay taut, I arrived at the life session and put the new umbrella in my bag.
I've no idea what happened to it while it was in there but when I came to use it on the way home it refused to stay up and repeatedly collapsed onto my head like a venus flytrap. I had to hold it open with 2 hands which is no mean feat carrying 2 bags as well. In fact it was in such a state there was a great big hole near the centre letting the rain in anyway!
It's now in the bin.

10 minute pose

10 minute pose


Anonymous said…
Hi Jessie!
What great drawings you are doing.. Wow.. It is wonderful how versatile you are!
Hugs, Darlene..
Buskitten said…
Hi Jessie! I am having a catch-up at last, and really loving your life drawing. I am going to be a life model in a couple of weeks, haha! What am I like?! I'm going to buy a Jackie print - the Caravan one, with all the animals, so the fee can go toward that!
Hope you're all well, and thawed out at last! xxx
Anonymous said…
Charming drawings.

I laughed about the umberella, sorry :o)
Nicola said…
heheheh sorry I laughed about the umbrella too, your account was very descriptive, tee hee.

Lovely drawings Jessie, you certainly have a way with pencil!
Jess said…
It was quite funny really. I need to get an unbrella that last longer than just a few weeks. They don't seem to exist any more! :o)
Anonymous said…
Oh, lol. I have an umbrella like this also. Sometimes I forget and get it out. Mmm! Adventure or what,lol!
Hope you are having a great weekend?



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