Pencils and Snow

I think this one speaks for itself! I still don't having a working scanner so I'm having to photograph my pictures at the moment. I'm still playing in sketchbooks and not making finished pieces so there's no panic just yet!
Look at my delicious box of Inktense pencils I had for christmas! I love the strong colours but the colours on the ends of the pencils don't correspond to the colour they produce on the paper so there was only one thing to do! This was fun, needed no brain (mine seems to be on pause at the moment) and I now have a useful chart that I can refer to for ever, or until it falls apart or gets tea stains all over it.
Right then, what colours shall I choose for my next picture? Hmmmmmm.


Nicola said…
Love your pencils Jessie, I have a small box and I know what you mean about the colours on the pencils looking different to what they are in real life, great idea to make a chart!! Cute picture too!! Looks like you are getting sick of the snow. We've been stuck in doors for the last week due to the extreme heat it's crazy. We've had almost 40c some days and you just can't go outside in it. Hard to believe when you are so cold over there!
Oh my goodness, how organised of you! I'd probably START something like that, get distracted by something else, put it somewhere 'safe', forget where I put it, then forget I ever did it...then find it 10 years later, still unfinished!
Jess said…
Hi Nicola, wouldn't it be great if we could just swap our weathers for one day?!
Hi Christina, I'm good at mindless things like this but a bit naughty at putting jobs off!

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