Weekend Festivities

I adore colour but I fancied just using a black pen for this page.  It was my brother's wedding on Saturday, maybe I was thinking about what to wear? ;)

Another drawing done in just black pens. I've been doing a bit of home decorating recently and I guess that's why the house appeared in my picture.

 We had a great day on Saturday, a registry office ceremony in the morning, a Buddhist ceremony in the afternoon and festivities until late into the evening. Here's the happy couple after the morning ceremony.

It's been a very busy weekend so it was lovely to relax by going back to my knitting the next evening. I simply love this yarn! It's Simply Soft Paints by Caron. I love the rainbow stitches on my needle! I'm making a little cardigan and I'll show more pics when it's done.

This week I'm going to be jumping out of my art journal and onto a canvas board. I've been working solely in a sketchbook this year which has been so helpful to staying creative but I think it's about time I made some new paintings again don't you?
I'll be back here soon with painting and knitting updates. See you then! xx


Merlesworld said…
I like that wool too.
What dod you wear to the wedding.
Your pictures are good too they look like the ones in the colouring books that are so popular now.
Sounds as if it was an amazing weekend indeed :)
Turn The Page said…
Nice little drawings there! And I am loving that yarn! Aloha!
Down by the sea said…
Your pictures look so good in black and white too. How have you got on with the canvas board? Wishing the lovely couple a happy life ahead together. Sarah x

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