Some Woolly Doings

After the dramatic weather at the start of the week things have calmed down and we've even had a snippet of sun. It's very cold though!

 We had a beautiful rainbow over the harbour.

I've just noticed that boat in the foreground is called 'Serenity'. It seems to sum up the picture doesn't it? 
( actual reality = bitingly cold wind! )

Shall I show you my new woolly creations?
I've knitted myself a jumper in these gorgeous colours.

 I bought a ball of the coppery brown to go with the multi coloured wool. I think it matches quite nicely.
I love this colour combo so much, I'd like to cover the whole world in it.  

But I won't just yet
 Because I have a large bag of double knit that's been waiting patiently to be made into a shawl.

I spent ages choosing which colours to use but there was one in particular that had to be included. Can you guess which one?

Oh my lordy how much do I love crocheting with that delicious glittery purple?! Yes it was the purple glitter one. Did you guess right?

Purple glitter. ♥♥♥♥♥ That's all I'm saying.


CJ said…
What gorgeous photos of the harbour, and lovely woolly knits as well. The cold weather is coming, you will be just in time with your jumper. Wishing you a good week. CJ xx
Els said…
Ha Jess, when that jumper is finished you'll look great in one of your own paintings .... ;-)
Gina said…
The photos of the harbour are stunning! Your colourful palette is the same whether in wool or paint... Joyous!
Paper rainbow said…
Its lovely to see a little sunshine! I do love those stripy blankets. I am beginning another one after being inspired by you to finish my first blanket last year.
Martina said…
Dear Jess, you captured that rainbow so well - it looks glorious! And your knitting reflects it! Colours are so needed right now! Kepp warm and cozy!
Down by the sea said…
The colours in Brixham harbour are always wonderful! Your jumper is gorgeous too some bright, warming and cheerful! Sarah x

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