Drawing Again

I'm working on an illustration project at the moment but it involves more serious drawing than my usual style so a bit of drawing practice was in order!
I've set myself a task of making a doodle each morning.

I've also joined the sketch-a-day group run by Ruthie on Facebook and this week the topic is insects.

I copied this from a photo of a stag beetle. I couldn't have done it from life, they scare the bejeepers out of me! It's done in pen and watercolour.

Meanwhile out in the garden, I woke to a coating of pretty frost.
Last winter it was so mild I didn't see any frost in the garden at all so it was a surprise to see the pretty white coating on my rosebud.

Icicles are so pretty aren't they?

Even the poor primroses had their share.

As I write this post today, the frost has gone and believe it or not the flowers have survived!
It's still quite cold but that won't stop me going to the beach.

I found a lovely smiley pebble. Isn't he cute!
I love watching he waves too so I decided to make a little video.....

I hope you enjoyed sharing a few moments with me by the seaside.
See you again soon.xx


Down by the sea said…
It's amazing what you can find down by the sea! Your pebble did make me smile. I like being down on the shore at Beacon Cove. We love Devon and although we are familiar with the South Devon coastline we have never been here! Yes I do live where Broadchurch was filmed glad you recognised it! Sarah x
Giggles said…
We've had a very mild winter here in British Columbia! Wonderful stag beetle! I'm with you on the insect thing... not live thank-you! I'd need to make mine a cartoon too!! Great quick doodles!!

Hugs Giggles
Paper rainbow said…
You are such a talented illustrator!

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