The Seasons Have Changed




Right outside my back door grows a virginia creeper. I watch it change dramatically through the year and constantly marvel at how it can grow back so beautifully from how it looks today in the winter. It seems almost impossible.
I've had a difficult couple of months with health problems and a busy time with family things and my exhibition so my art making has taken a back seat. I'm still knitting and crocheting though and I've almost finished the jumper I'm making for Middle Daughter. For fellow knitters, you can see the details here if you like.

As I've got no new artwork to show you, I'd like instead to show you a lovely little film about the artist Del Kathryn Barton. I came across this a while ago and kept it in my favourites folder so that I could watch it again. When I'm missing my painting I like to look at other artists' lives and work. I hope you enjoy watching it too. xx


lynne h said…
oh... thank you for this video, jess.

Paper rainbow said…
What a wonderful video. I have never seen her work. It is unbelievably beauriful. It is almost klimt like in the sinuous forms. I'm very inspired. Hope you are feeling better jess. I know you have had a difficult time recently.
Hoping things are on the mend in your world dear Jess. Always enjoy my visits here. x
denthe said…
Beautiful pictures! In winter everything seems so lifeless and dead, and look at it in summertime! Amazing pictures! And thanks for sharing that video, very inspiring to watch! So sorry that you've been struggling with your health, hope everything will be better from now on!
martinealison said…
Bonjour chère amie,

Un grand merci pour votre gentil message laissé sur mon blog. Un témoignage touchant après les horreurs de cette barbarie.

Je suis heureuse de vous retrouver également. Mon état de santé ne me permettait pas de naviguer dans la blogosphère. Peu à peu, je reviens... Je pense publier un article jeudi prochain.

Les saisons, les années passent tellement vite ! c'est affolant !...
Vos photos sont merveilleuses. J'ai beaucoup aimé votre vidéo. Il s'en dégage tant d'émotions...

Gros bisous ♡
Red Rose Alley said…
wow, it's so cool to see what the change in seasons do with this creeper, Jess. These are great pictures. I'm sorry to hear about your health problems, and I do hope you are well now. It is our Thanksgiving on Thursday. And I'm thankful for your friendship, Jess.

love, ~Sheri
I love it when people photograph the same place or view across seasons. It's a great idea - and that creeper!!!! Gorgeous. But I also like the stark winter view of it too. Roots and vines have such structure. x

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