Delphiniums and a New Carnival Project.

Summer's such a lovely time for colours! I took the photo above at a local National Trust property, Coleton Fishacre in Devon.

Quite often when I visit here I don't go into the house. When I first used to come here many years ago, the house wasn't open to the public but when it was, I was one of the first to have a look around. We had to wear what looked like plastic carrier bags on our feet to protect the newly finished flooring.

I'm very pleased to say that's not the case these days. The house was near to closing for the day so we had a speedy look around the lovely art deco rooms, not much time for photo taking I'm afraid.

But I did take a quick photo in this room. I love wood and the beautiful wood on these chairs was just gorgeous.

The garden there's pretty lovely too with my favourite summer flower, delphiniums.

♥ ♥ ♥ 

Such colour! I'm told these are called Penstemon.

Can you imagine little faery people living here by the stream? I can. :)

Summer's a busy time for me, not much chance to make any new paintings but I do have time to do a spot of this in the evenings....

 I'm making myself a jumper, something I haven't done since I was in my twenties! I thought it was about time.
This yarn is so soft ......and that colour?

Woolly people might like to see my project in progress here on Ravelry.

Thankyou for visiting today, I hope you have a lovely sunny weekend.xx


Thank you for the great shots of that fabulous garden. I am fascinated by blue flowers. Your wool seems a higher chroma of the penstemon. I woke this morning in the mood to knit as it is cool here in Nova Scotia today. Have a lovely summer, Jess. hugs x
Unknown said…
Jess, this is such a beautiful post today. I love the gardens and especially when you give us a close up of the flowers. I can just smell the wonderful aroma from here. So nice to see your part of the world!
Els said…
WOW can't get enough of those BLUES !!!!!
Delphiniums that big is a no-go in my garden :-(
So I just have to keep coming and look at these photos Jess ;-)

Oh my that last one : that yarn just fits here !!!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful pictures. Good luck on your project, yarn looks yummy.
Tammie Lee said…
so much beauty
thank you for sharing
so lovely to see places like this!
sweet weekend to you ~
lynne h said…
jess, i can *easily* imagine faery folk living near that stream!

everything is so beautiful!

Oh Jesse, the blue delphinium is my absolute favorite color for any flower! And these are exceptional, as well as the cottage and gardens! I can see how you get your art inspiration from the beauty around you. Enjoy another lovely weekend! Anita
Julia Guthrie said…
What beautiful flowers, its a great time of year for visiting gardens and beautiful houses. We've just joined the NT and have been making the most of our local places too. Had quite fancied visiting this one near you some point soon... nice to see it pop up here :)
Paper rainbow said…
Those blues are stunning!. I love those chairs too. I have a thing for wood and that looks like birds eye maple. My dad was an antique restorer and some of what he taught me stuck! They have a wonderful shape and movement.
rossichka said…
The flowers are gorgeous! Such bright colours - I suppose they've been kept in your chest of inspiration.:)
I like your knitting and am sure it will be a really soft jumper to brighten your winter days...
Here we have dangerous temperatures - almost reaching 40 degrees Celsius!
Gina said…
Beautiful flower photos and your yarn looks just like summer flowers too. Gorgeous colours!
Red Rose Alley said…
I don't think I've ever seen blue flowers before. Purple Yes, but not blue. These are really incredible.

Gretel said…
I see you are still loving purples and blues - your lovely work would not be the same without them. x

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