A Summer Solstice Walk and The Rhythm of Life

Every year at the time of the Summer Solstice it's a family tradition to go for a walk somewhere high up, with a good view of the sunset.

When my brother lived in Swindon we'd go to Barbury Castle but now he's moved to another area, this year we thought we'd go to a different place that's closer to where he now lives. I blogged about our Barbury Castle walks in 2011 here and in 2010 here. :)

This year we went to May Hill

They say you can see 12 counties from here. The view was spectacular even though it was getting dark and a little cloudy. We could clearly see the Brecon Beacons, the Mendips and the River Severn to name but a few. I'd love to come back again one sunny day during daylight hours, it really was an incredible view.

My photos don't do it justice at all but I think you get the idea! What a perfect place to watch the sun go down on the longest day of the year.


Do you remember this painting from my last post? I thought I'd show you it displayed on my wall complete with its frame. It's now in my Etsy shop so if you'd like to see it in more detail, please click here. :)

I've been busy a-painting this week and today I finished this new mixed media piece. I've added lovely glitter to the flowers trees and hair and it looks so sparkly when held to the light bringing the whole painting alive!

I've popped it on Etsy and it's called 'Rhythm of Life'. The measurements are 20 x 16 inches and it's ready to hang on the wall. Please click here if you'd like to see the full listing.

I've been quite behind with visiting blogs lately but I hope to catch up with all your lovely blogs soon. See you there! xx


CJ said…
How lovely to see May Hill. We can see it quite often from the places we go for walks, and from Slimbridge, and I often think it would be nice to go over there and explore. Lovely painting, you've been busy I think! CJ xx
Merlesworld said…
Lovely pictures, it's the middle of winter here so no walking for me.
Red Rose Alley said…
May Hill looks beautiful, Jess. What a peaceful place to take a walk with your loved ones. I really like the last painting of the girl with the long brown hair. I see that you changed your font around. It looks just like the font we use on our posts. It's simple, lovely, and cheerful. I hope you are enjoying the June days, as they are almost over.

love, ~Sheri
JESS! Good morning! What a sensational view you must have had from this high point! Like you, we were in the most GORGEOUS place for holiday the beginning of June. I believe you may have seen some of my photos on Instagram. It is difficult to capture the emotion you feel in such a place as this or where I was through photos, but since we all know that great divide between what we see and experience and what we can capture, we can know that at least we all were in the presence of something great. We also had views of the Aurora Borealis last night, but since I'm in the city, too many lights didn't make for a clear viewing.

Summer is such a magical time, and YOUR PAINTING LOOKS GREAT with glitter!!!!!!! I wrote an iambic poem yesterday and it was hard work, but it was fun for my first one. Creativity is an elixir, isn't it!

Have another fun day, Anita
Victoria said…
HI Jess...she is positively gorgeous and magical..i love the enchanting trees and flora and her powerful-radiant spirit...the title is powerful too..Rhythm of Life..that says it all! Wowness..the nature photos at the beginning are just amazing and beautiful..thanks for sharing...yes Solstice is such a magical time...thanks for capturing the beauty!
Massive hugs..so good to visit you again!
Thanks for your kind visit too!
denthe said…
What a lovely tradition for summer solstice! So beautiful there..... And your 2 paintings are so gorgeous too. Full of summer colours and happiness.....
Unknown said…
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I appreciate your thoughts and kindness. Your art is amazing and wonderfully beautiful. I can't wait to see what you do next.
Tammie Lee said…
lovely to see Solstice where you enjoyed it. Sweet to imagine being on top of that hill!

your paintings are so lovely and serene, inviting and full of beautiful details.

lovely beginning of summer to you!
martinealison said…
Bonjour chère amie,

Il est bon de contempler l'ensemble des petits détails de votre travail... Une belle poésie qui s'ajoute à cette belle promenade de solstice d'été !

Gros bisous
PiaRom said…
What an amazing place to go to on the sommer solstice!! But OMG your paintings! They are stunning with its sweet emotions and happy colors! Luuuv!!♥ Conny
Piaroms Art Journaling
juliaD said…
Hi Jess,
Thanks for your lovely comment on my latest post. I love your art, it has a gentleness and talent that I find very enjoyable to look at.
Julia D
Kim Mailhot said…
Looks like summer put forth beautiful delights for you right from the beginning !
Love the new painting. Such a calm and peaceful feeling as I dive into it.
Wishing you sweet summer days, Jess !
Ces Adorio said…
Oh my! The scenes, so beautiful. And your Header!!! Oh my Gosh!!! It is gorgeous. It inspires me to paint. I have been thinking of painting again but have been too lazy to start. Thank you for your blog visit. I am afraid my blog has been neglected. Thank you very much for saying hello. Your art is beautiful.
Palomasea said…
That walk...magical in every sense of the word!
Dear Jessie, I am loving being able to visit dear blog friends again...
Your artwork is always joyful and uplifting...thank you...
~ Irina
Palomasea said…
Thank you so much, dear Jess, for taking the time to visit me! And for your very kind words... :) Lemon is so refreshing for summer...I love grapefruit too...
I hope you are having a joyful, creative day!
- Irina
Gretel said…
I've been out of the blog world myself Jess, but am loving seeing how your work has developed!
Unknown said…
Such a wonderful post. Made me feel very cheerful just seeing all the lovely pictures :) Comments on my blog dont seem to be working for me so i cant reply back Jess which is a fidget. Lovely to hear from you x
Martina said…
Such a fabulous post Jess! Both solistice photos and your art are really special- love it!

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