Ancient Men, A Graduation and a New Baby.

There's a good reason for my quietness here over the past couple of weeks. So much has been happening, I don't know where to start!
I'll begin with last week, when I was immersed in a new illustration project.
It involved drawing men. Now those of you who are familiar with my paintings will know that this is a rare thing indeed and at first it felt quite a challenge to me.

I've done a lot of life drawing in the past so when I started to draw a man's form instead of my usual lady ones, my memories of life drawing came flooding back to help me.

They're almost finished but sometimes work has to stop while life events take over doesn't it? Two BIG events took over the beginning of this week.

On Monday, Youngest Son had his graduation ceremony at Birmingham University. He's a primary teacher now, working in Devon.

Tuesday saw the birth of Ruby Rose, Middle Son's new baby daughter. It was a bumpy journey into the world for this little girl but after the long ordeal both mum and baby are now doing well

and while the drama was unfolding in the hospital, I painted a card to welcome her into the world.

Phew! What a week! :) xx


renilde said…
ooooh, a new baby girl how lovely, pretty, pretty name and so much love in the card you made for her, congratulations to you and your family. and congratulations on your man, the drawn ones and the graduated one.
life can be so wonderful, x
busybusybeejay said…
exciting times!Our youngest granddaughter is Ruby.What weight was your Ruby?How many grandchildren now?
I wish I could draw like you.You have so much talent.I am so envious.
Charlotte said…
Congratulations on your newest arrival. Bumpy starts are not nice, but they turn out ok. My eldest took the rockiest of roads; he is flourishing now, unless you count the teenage knuckle dragging
CJ said…
What a gorgeous baby, congratulations to all. And congratulations to your youngest on his graduation as well. What an exciting week! The card is beautiful. CJ xx
Micki Wilde said…
Love the drawings Jess, so cool to mix your style up and do something different.
Congratulations to both your sons too, it's a proud mama moment for you right now I'm sure x
Red Rose Alley said…
Welcome into the world, Ruby Rose. What a cute card this is, Jess. And congratulations to your on graduating. My Jess is teaching also, and she loves it. OK, these ancient men drawings are amazing! I really admired them because they look Roman or Greek, and I'm part Greek myself. You did an excellent job.

A lot of good things happening for you, my dear. Enjoy it all.

love, ~Sheri
rossichka said…
Oh, what a happy week! Welcome to the world to your newborn granddaughter and congratulations on your son's graduation! Good luck and lots of happiness to both of them! Best wishes to the young mum and dad and to your whole family, Jess!!!
I find you men's drawings very successful!:)x
Tammie Lee said…
you do sound busy
and doing new things.... men
congratulations on your little gem of Ruby Rose! wishing you all health, happiness, joy and love always.
Unknown said…
Huge congratulations to you all xxx
how exciting on all counts. May Ruby Rose have a blessed life full of the same wonderful colours that her clever Grandma paints so beautifully, Ren x
Gina said…
Lovely news. Pleased mum and baby are doing well. Congratulations to all... And the new graduate too!
Robin Larkspur said…
Many hearty congratulations on all this news. Ruby Rose!! a sweet name!
Lisa Graham said…
Oh my goodness Jessie, so much happy news here! Congratulations to everyone and your new baby granddaughter is precious. I am glad she is okay. Being born can be rough on some of the wee little ones. Your card to welcome her is precious.

Your illustrations are amazing. Wow. Your drawing skill is really good. I already knew this, but to see this style makes me that much more in awe.

Hugs and many blessings! xo

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