Brighton, North Wales and Devon

Hello Bloggers! I've been absent from here for a while haven't I? The reason for this is because I've had a few trips away, some amazing (Brighton, my new favourite place!) and North Wales and of course my usual trips to Devon. And as you might have guessed, I haven't had much time for painting, a page of my art journal is all I can show you at the moment. See the pic above. :)

Brighton Pavillion

One of the wall displays in the hotel. 

These deckchairs were so cute, only about 6 inches high. What an unusual idea for wall decoration don't you think?
I wish I'd taken more pictures when I was in Brighton but time was limited. I do however have some to show you that I took inside the Toy and Model Museum. 

 I love those old tin buckets. I don't these these have seen much sand-action, almost too lovely to ruin with play!

 The Punch and Judy puppets are scary aren't they?!

I don't think you'd be able to get a devil doll or an executioner doll these days?!

  I love to see the old dolls from long ago, they seem much more real than today's don't they?
Maybe they are! :)

These are theatre models. I liked looking at the detail on their costumes. I used to make a lot of dolls' clothes when I was a child. When I was ten I even set up my own business selling them at school, complete with illustrated catalogue...until the teacher found out!

Again, our visit to North Wales was brief and it rained heavily (thanks to Hurricane Bertha!) but I managed to capture this stunning scene on my phone when the rained died down for a moment.

Aren't those colours amazing? It goes to show how naturally beautiful the scenery was without needing any help from fancy equipment. I would have taken more pictures if the clouds hadn't hidden everything in the next moment!

So on to Devon....

This is a place I haven't visited for years. It's called Overbecks near Salcombe.

 Love those shadows!

 Yes there were dolls inside the house too!

I can imagine these in a stop-frame animation. :)

Before I go, let me show you my new business cards that arrived from Moo.

I'm really pleased how they turned out, nice bright and vibrant colours. Just how I like it!

I hope you're having a good summer! x x


Martina said…
Your cards look lovely Jess - reminds me, that i need new ones too! And your holiday pix are gorgeous! England is so beautiful and romantic! Have a swwet midweek!
Tammie Lee said…

it looks like you had a wonderful time away. I love that landscape, dreamy lovely. Such a sweet piece of art too. Welcome back!
Els said…
Oh my, Jess, I first thought you painted a mermaid ....
(Ha, it probably is ... waiting for real legs to grow !)

You had some wonderful time out !!!
Kyra Wilson said…
OK, those dolls creep me out a bit... I can appreciate they're from another time, but still!
rossichka said…
Oh, it was so interesting to see the beautiful places you've visited and to admire the play of sunlight, shadows and vibrant colours!
Thank you for sharing the "Punch and Judy" collection of puppets - it's really exciting!
What a bout the dolls... My mother had such kind of a doll, I liked it soooo much, but we've lost its traces. Still I hope I will find it some day, I don't want to think it's lost or thrown...:(
I wish you lots of sunny days till the end of the summer, Jessie!:)
I made several short trips, too, which refreshed me a lot...:-) (There're lots of pics in my last posts.)

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