Illustration Friday, Beard.
I haven't done the Illustration Friday challenge for a while and when I saw this week's subject 'Beard' I thought it's too far out my comfort zone to tackle! As you probably know, my painting subjects tend to be female and so it won't surprise you to know that this is the first beard I've ever painted. I came back to it today and with only one day left to submit, I thought why not?!
He looks quite thoughtful doesn't he? Maybe he knows his beard has got out of hand and needs trim? :)
That´s what was plopping to my mind, when I saw this pic. Love it Jess!
Greetings from Austria
The poppy fields are gorgeous! A true poppy "invasion"! I like the different one - it's so tender and... shy!This spring, travelling by car, I could see lots of red spots along the road, too.
Nina x