Exciting News x 2

Hi there, lots have been happening in the world of Jessie Lilac this week. It's funny how there's a lull and then things happen all at once isn't it?
First of all I want to tell you about a gallery near Bristol called Tinca Gallery that contacted me about my paintings. I went to visit them and it was the sort of gallery I love, the rooms were interesting shapes and very light and spacious, the work displayed was gorgeous and I was very thrilled when the lovely owners asked to have my paintings there!
It's been a few months since I've been in an exhibition so some of the paintings that they liked were still on Etsy. I've taken them off there now and I've decided that my Etsy shop will be for my smaller works and my watercolours from now on. :)

My other piece of exciting news is that I've been featured on the blog of Judy Darley, a local writer. She's written a lovely article about my work and I'm so happy that I was asked. Please click here to read it! :)

Thankyou for coming here today and for allowing me to share my happy news with you. I hope you're having a lovely summer. xx


Congratulations and good luck for the gallery! These are really happy, exciting news. <3 Conni
Gina said…
Lovely news. We'll done. The collage of your paintings looks gorgeous - such a riot of colour!
Great news Jess! Must be wonderful to be seen and asked for something, that brings joy in your life and now also more and more to others?!
That are indeed happy news :-)
CJ said…
Congratulations, that's two wonderful pieces of news. You've done very well, you deserve this recognition. CJ xx
lynne h said…
congratulations, jess! i am truly happy for you!

Victoria said…
Yay..such fantastic news and new adventures you are on!! Many Congrats to you..shine on..you are an inspiring soul and magical artist!!
PS: beautiful art!!
Victoria said…
HI again..just read the beautiful article/interview..awesome my friend! There was no where to leave a comment..just wanted you to know i thoroughly enjoyed reading it. it was very inspiring..and feel the same as you..walking the intuitive journey of art!!
Merlesworld said…
Good for you I'm glad things are going well.
denthe said…
that's exciting! congrats to you! Love that painting with the girl on the bird's back.
Martina said…
Dear Jess, congrats! This is such happy news and i'm so exited for you to find a new gallery and exibition space! Will hop over and read the feature about you by Judy. Hope you have a happy sunday!
Paper rainbow said…
Wonderful news and I wish you every success !!!
Connie said…
Hi Jess, I am so excited for you . . . congratulations.
Keep doing what you love and being true to your art.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)
Kyra Wilson said…
Congrats! That's so exciting! :)
Karen said…
Well done! Great news x
Kim Mailhot said…
Congratulations on all the well deserved and well earned recognition, Lovely Jessie !

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