I Love Colourful Crochet

I like making crocheted blankets and have a couple (ok, I have about 4 if you're counting) of my own. When I discovered Middle Daughter would like one I couldn't wait to get started on another. :)

I wouldn't have minded keeping it for myself. It does match the duvet cover quite well doesn't it?

The fringing is the part I least enjoy, it's very fiddly trying to get all the strands the same size.

 So I gave it a haircut!

Now that my stock of colourful yarn is very much depleted I need to go out and buy some more for my next project.YaY!


Gina said…
What a gorgeous blanket and such joyful colours. No wonder you wanted to keep it. I don't think I would have had to patience to add fringing.
CJ said…
It's wonderful, it must have taken you hours and hours. I hope you enjoy restocking your yarn!
Silke Powers said…
Ooooo, I love those colors! They are perfect for winter - they make me happy when I look at them! I hope you are doing well! Happy New Year!! xoxo Silke
A said…
The colours are lovely. Reminds me of a rainbow.
Introverted Art said…
the colors on this are amazing!
Tam Hess said…
Those colors are wonderful! I have no idea how to make crochet or knitted things. I'm super duper impressed!!

Jennifer Hays said…
It's really beautiful! You did a great job with it. I love the colors so much.
Unknown said…
Amazing colours! You are so talented! I can see you love colour as much as I do! (Lovely photos by the way - I hope you enjoyed your birthday and that you are feeling much better now!) x
Paper rainbow said…
Firstly I adore your new Blog Header and secondly how beautiful is your crotchet work! I wish I could crotchet, the rainbow colours are gorgeous.
Kim Mailhot said…
This bright stuff is so cozy and lively for the winter months, Jessie ! Love that ! Lucky daughter !
Happy crochet !
busybusybeejay said…
I love that .What great colour palette.I love the fringe too.
I love big color in crochet too! I have a cotton shawl, and a cotton afghan that are both a riot of color. And working with color is such a joy. :)

I bet your daughter LoVeS it!
Veronique said…
Happy colours for a cold winter day..
Young at Heart said…
oh my......fabulous... that will brighten up a dull winter's day!!!
Anne said…
Beautiful colours :)
Anne said…
Beautiful colours :)
Introverted Art said…
Jess, if you want to participate in the Traveling Art Journal circle stop by and send mailing address to tofindana@gmail.com

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