Hunting For Brightly Coloured Cushions

Hello new followers thankyou for following my blog, it's lovely to have you join me here on my arty journey.
Thankyou for all the comments I get here too, I aim to follow each of your links in the comments back to your blogs to return your visit and to see who you are! Please forgive any delay, life is busy and my computer is sometimes a bit temperamental. I love to find new blog friends that share my interests. xx

You can see in the picture above I have finished my latest knitting project. You can read more details on Ravelry here if you are so inclined. :)
I've spent a long time looking for cushions.(I think my US friends call them pillows?)  Every time I go into town or into any big store I have to look to see if there's anything that fits my fantasy of the perfect cushion. I have a motly collection of ones that I've bought in the past because they've been really cheap and the colour's been 'ok' but I have a fantasy of something bright and colourful and also affordable which up to now I've found impossible.

So as you can see I decided to make it myself. The buttons were bought on holiday in Skye last year. I knew they'd come in useful one day!

And the others in the picture?
I don't know why I didn't think of it before! 

I've often admired the artists designs on the site Society6 and I thought I'd see if I could find the sort of thing I had in mind there

and I did!

So my search is finally over!

The artists work featured here are Oxana Zaika and Shatzi Brown.


I love your knitted cushion Jess!!! :)
busybusybeejay said…
The knitted cushion is great.
Tammie Lee said…
your knitting and cushion is beautiful and lively, a thing to inspire smiles.

The other cushions are beautiful too.
Martina said…
Such a dun pillow collection - the mix is perfect!
Els said…
You knitted a very fun cushion Jess !
(thanks for the link ;-) !)
Merlesworld said…
Lovely pillows nice and bright and colourful.
Charlotte said…
Fabulous Jess, do it yourself is often the only way to get what is inside your head. I love the colours.
chrissie said…
Fabulous cushions and I love the knitted one you made

Chrissie x
Gina said…
What gorgeous cushions! I love your knitted one and now want to knit myself one.
denthe said…
That looks great Jess! And thnx for the links to the other shops too! I feel a new addiction coming on .... ;-)
Lori ann said…
what a fantastic cushion! i've never made one, and i really must after seeing yours!
Sarah said…
I LOVE the cushion you created! Very fun, bright colors! :)
Jane said…
Wonderful works, would brighten any sofa , great energy in the colors !
Willow said…
What beautiful, delightful, creative pillows !
I have been crocheting scarves lately for friends and family , and for my own pleasure as well.
Of course then I had to get creative with the October scarf I made for me and let the animals all have a go at posing with it.
Nice to meet you, I saw you at JoMay's and came by for a visit.
Will be back most certainly !
Be Well.
manomij said…
Oh wow what a colour explosion! They would look wonderful in my studio! ManonX

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