Creatively Blocked After a Long Break

Hello new followers! It's so lovely to have you here on my little blog of painting and stuff. I hope you've all had a nice summer. :)

So the new term has started and I've actually started painting again for the first time in ages!
If any of you have ever had a long break from doing something, you might know how very difficult it is to get going again. My mind has been whirring with ideas over the summer but my problem is not remembering what ideas I had and not finding time to try them out. Yes I should have written them down at the time but I didn't.  By the time I sat down to paint yesterday I didn't know what I should be painting. I think it was Julia Cameron who said to just "turn up at the page" when you're feeling creatively blocked, so I did. She also said something along the lines of "creativity is surrender not control."
With these things in mind I started painting a face over a collaged board that I'd made before the summer holidays. (See pic above.) After a few minutes, (yes really!) I reached a point where I was getting stuck again so I got my sketchbook out, chose a nice dark navy blue watercolour pencil and drew whatever came onto the paper.

And here it is...

Because it was a pencil I was using, and it was in a tatty sketchbook, it felt like doodling so I could quickly make the image without thinking too much.
I didn't plan the boat, it just appeared. I'm guessing my mind is still at the sea-side don't you? ;)
I have decided that my motto from henceforth shall be:
"When in doubt,  DOODLE!"
What do you think? :)


Rita said…
It's beautiful! I love "when in doubt, DOODLE!" and I often find myself doing just that. I also read somewhere that when you are stuck or not feeling creative you should draw 100 of something, anything. It's a fun exercise and has always worked.
Well I think both are great!! I have had a go at naming the lady with the boat over on Facebook!
V x
Kyra Wilson said…
I'm just learning how to doodle again! Something I did all the time and stopped doing when I started selling, it's weird to have to relearn how, isn't it? I'm all for doodling!
Giggles said…
I think you nailed your emotion in your little sailor girl...she seems sadly waiting and perplexed...the eyes are so telling...Everything looks wonderful...hope it all comes together for you... I too need to write my ideas down more!

Hugs Giggles
Victoria said…
Wow..totally gorgeous...such beautiful creations..your spirit is shining happy you are creating again!Love the boat she holding....feels like an invitation to a new journey...sounds magical!!
Merlesworld said…
I think it's lovely she has a dreamy look.
Introverted Art said…
Jess happy to see you are painting again. It is looking mighty fine.
chrissie said…
Both are very beautiful-I love your artwork.

Love Chrissie x
denthe said…
Haha, that's my motto exactly! Lately I have been feeling stuck quite often, and just doodling in my "bad" sketchbook makes me come loose again. I really love your pencil drawing!
Nadia said…
I love to doodle. My things never come out like in my head. They are leading a life of their own.
And I drag around a notebook for ideas and stuff..
Martina said…
Ha ha, i know thiis one Jess! Just give yourself the time - art will come back to you - sometiimes a break is just the right thing! Have a lovely weekend!
Erin K said…
My gosh...that's a brilliant line for when you find yourself stuck. I know that all too well as well. ;) It's been a long time since I just sat and doodled with no real thought behind it. Doodling for doodlings sake. I wonder if the same works for writings as well?

Art will always find it's way back once you give it a friendly nudge in the ribs. ^_^

I love your blue does looks like she's thinking of being elsewhere in her far off gaze. So happy that you're getting back in the grove again. Cheers! <3
Ana M.F. said…
they are beautiful, I love the colors of the first one and the girl with the little boat looks very nostalgic ♥
Young at Heart said…
I 100% agree. . . .when I was at art college the doodle saved many a day.....and what a beautiful doodle you've done!!

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