Vibrant Hen Vase and a Warm Weekend.

I've finished my latest canvas painting and here it is. Do you remember it from an earlier post? I added some flower stems and some extra leaves and it was done!
It measures 25 x 35cm (12 x 10inches) and I've listed it in my Etsy shop if you'd like to have a look, click here. :)

 Here's the close up of the hen motif. I do love the shape of hens, don't you?

The flowers were fun to paint, I wanted the pinks and reds to really stand out in a vibrant way. I was tempted to use the fluorescent pink acrylic that I have but on this occasion, just a teeny amount of it was needed mixed with a touch of white because I had to take the edge of the brightness. If I'd used it straight from the tube, the other reds would have looked dull in comparison!

Speaking of bright, did you enjoy the sun at the weekend? We had the warmest weekend of the year after what seemed like the longest winter ever!

 A view of Goodrington beach on Sunday.

 This was taken further up the hill and is the view over to Brixham from Goodrington. I might use this for a painting one day. I love to see flowers silhouetted against the sea like that. :)

This is Goodrington Park, again I took the picture from the hill. I liked the way the trees framed the scene below. :)
So the weekend's over, Monday chores are calling, I'd love to spend some time blog visiting again soon and I will!
See you there!xx


Cameron said…
Looks like a glorious day, indeed! Beautiful pictures!

The way your painting turned out is so lovely, too! You just have a way with flowers :)
manomij said…
This is wonderful and vibrant, it got me inspired for the start of today and wow do you live near the sea? Have a wonderful day Jess. Manonx
Jess said…
Thanks Cameron :) That's so kind.x
Jess said…
Thanks Manon, I'm so happy to hear you were inspired!:)
Jess said…
Thankyou Jane :)
Sea Angels said…
I feel your right and your picture has captured late spring in all its glory, may be its a magical picture, as you finished it the weather has changed for the better....don't go painting any rainy days...promise ha ha
The beach pictures look lovely.. now that looks like a good wild swimming spot?
Hugs Lynn xxx
Tammie Lee said…
this is so lovely
feels like a celebration of life
wonderful to see your photos too, of a far off and lovely land
Jess said…
Thanks Lynn, yes it would be a good place to swim for those so inclined! ;)
Jess said…
Thanks Tammie, it's so strange to hear of it as a far off land :) Your photos are a far off and lovely land to me!x
martinealison said…
Bonjour ma chère amie,

Toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin... et cette merveilleuse journée au bord de la plage m'entraîne à la rêverie... En France aussi l'hiver fut très long et le printemps très maussade. Seulement depuis 2 jours il semblerait que la météo nous veuille nous sourire un peu !...

Ce magnifique bouquet de fleur avec cette superbe poule en décor sur le vase apporte une très belle note d'optimisme. J'adore ses couleurs... Un véritable feu d'artifice. Un véritable bonheur.

Gros bisous à vous et continuez de nous enchanter avec vos belles oeuvres.
Un grand merci aussi pour votre gentil message, cela me touche beaucoup.
Palomasea said…
So very nice to meet you, dear Jessie! Your art is just beautiful!!
And to live by the sea must be dreamy....lovely photos...

I thank you so very much for your kind message at my blog...I see you have lilac in your name...very pretty! :)
Wishes for a wonderful weekend...
- Irina
Jess said…
Vous êtes Martine très gentil, merci.x
Jess said…
Thankyou Irina, nice to meet you :) Yes 'Lilac' in my blog name :)
Wishing you a lovely weekend too!x
Carol said…
Picture is so lovely, yes, hens do have a great shape.
Goodrington Beach would seem a perfect destination this weekend if the promised sunny weather continues.
Carol xx
Young at Heart said…
ooh such paintings are gorgeous!!
Jess said…
Thankyou Carol :) It's so beautiful there, the best place to be on a sunny day.x
Jess said…
Thankyou very much :)
Victoria Stitch said…
beautiful painting! Love how it's come together. and I am so jealous you live by the sea!
Jess said…
Thankyou! I live mainly in the town but we do stay at the sea-side a lot! :)

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