My Interactive Faces and Names Project
I'm setting myself a little project to keep myself drawing regularly. I'd like you to join in if you'd like to :)
Here's the deal:
I draw a face on a regular basis, and post it here and you give the person a name.
You know how people suit their names? I know there might be the exception occasionally and let me tell you I used to hate my name when I was young. At that time no-one had heard of the name Jessica and I had to repeat it over and over again to people who would then give me a strange look and ask where it came from and was it made up. Well just for the record, my mum named me after a character in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice so not that new! Today there are loads of Jessicas throughout the world so I don't feel such a freakshow any more! ;)
The painting above is my first person in this series. What do you think her name is? The name that I think fits her the best will become the name of the painting and I'll keep an album with them all on Facebook. Don't worry if you don't go on Facebook, they'll all be here too!
I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas!
name her Dreama.......I am in to not so ordinary names lately. Or give her an old German name,,,Waltraud,,,now there is one no one can pronounce I bet:)
V x
I have shanged my name when I grew adolt. Now I feel to be me.
For me, her name is Antonia :)
great :)