Mother Nature's Work

 I've had lots of compliments on my garden recently. I'd like to take responsibility for the glorious colour and profusion of flowers but I have to say it was mother nature, not me!

 I think they're called Granny's Bonnets but if anyone knows better please tell me. :) They seem to love it here and have multiplied themselves so much that the plants that I actually put there myself aren't getting much of a look in at the moment!

 Nature often seems to know best doesn't it? The yellow poppies came here from the wind too. I love to see them growing through cracks in the path and cheekily nestling between the other plants, perhaps they hope no-one will notice!

I'm beginning lots of little canvas boards, layering collage and with any luck, mother nature will come along and turn them into works of art.
Then again, maybe this time I'll have to take a hand in it! ;)


Robin Larkspur said…
At first I thought I saw columbine, but not sure. Hard to get a good look at the blooms, but good grief, they are gorgeous! Lucky you for such flowery blessings from Mother Nature.
Have fun with your collages!
CraveCute said…
I agree with Robin, the flower looks sort of like a columbine. They are just gorgeous, I see where you get your inspiration!
Charlotte said…
Aquilegia, also known as columbine or granny's bonnets. Wonderful plants but rampant self seeders, will strangle out other plants if you are not careful. But they hybridise and the bees love them.
Carol said…
Yes, Granny's Bonnets or Columbines or Aquilegias. Very promiscuous plants! I love them, so many shapes and colours and the rabbits don't like them.
Collages sound fun.
Carol xx
What lovely flowers. They look like delphiniums but I can't tell from too far away. They're gorgeous either way.
Jess said…
I think they are columbines, I looked that up on Google and there was a picture that looked like mine. Thankyou Robin!x
Jess said…
Thankyou, I think you're right about where my current inspiration comes from, I've never put so many flowers in my paintings before!x
Jess said…
Thankyou Charlotte, I'll make sure I thin them out then in case the ones lurking underneath are suffering!x
Jess said…
Thanks Carol, they are very prolific! I don't have rabbits but the bees love them.x
Jess said…
Thankyou Periwinkle, I think from the other comments they're definitely columbines. I know they're not delphiniums. I've tried many times to grow those without any success. :)
Anonymous said…
beautiful pics..i've been taking photos of flowers in the sunshine too:) i love of my favourite flowers..they remind me of my grandfather he grew loads in his garden when we were kids..they always bring good memories with them. xx
Clare said…
Always love seeing work on an artists table - it inspires.
Jess said…
Thankyou :) I like them too, such a riot of colour at the moment! I'm glad to have reminded you of your grandfather and the good memories.x
Jess said…
Thankyou Clare, I love to see artist's work places too, it makes me feel like I'm painting it myself!x
Tammie Lee said…
so lovely
both your gardens
and collages
wishing you a grand time and you and nature create ~
Kyra Wilson said…
Look at all those lovely flowers! We're just starting to bloom out here...
Jess said…
Thankyou Tammie!
Jess said…
It's a very colourful month isn't it? I'd love to see your flowers too!x
Palomasea said…
Your garden is beautiful!!! As is your work, dear Jessie...I am a fan! :))
A splendid weekend to you...
- Irina
Jess said…
Thankyou so much Irina! A lovely weekend to you too!x
I love those flowers, too. Here they are called "Akelei". I have them in my garden, too, but mine are only purple, not so many colors as yours.
Jess said…
I love to hear the different names they go by depending on what country you're from :) This name sounds quite similar to Aquiligias!x
Unknown said…
I love your canvas boards - they are a work of art without any paint!!
renilde said…
your columbines look beautiful, i have them in my garden too, yes they mix and pop up everywhere in many colors but i don't mind they are so lovely.
i leave some plants for seeds but once they have flowered you can cut them back if they are in the way of other smaller plants.
some look like bonnets, other like doves touching eachothers beaks...columbines.
enjoy your garden Jess, x

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