
Do you ever sit down and draw a face and then look at it afterwards and wonder who it is?
When you draw a face without thinking about it and letting it happen on the page, it could be a reflection of yourself, your own feelings? It could be someone I've encountered recently and how she came across to me?
I need a few days away from it to come back, look at it again and she'll reveal herself to me.

What does she say to you?


Anonymous said…
she looks kinda wistful..yearning for something..she's there..very far away...
such a beautiful face. sometimes when i'm lying awake in bed at night i have a host of faces pass before my minds eye..sometimes they move quite quickly..others..a particular face will stop to say hello... : )
Merlesworld said…
She looks a bit sad and dreamy to me.
Kyra Wilson said…
They say when you draw a face without reference, you subconsciously always draw yourself. :) It's the one face you know best!
Anonymous said…
She is very beautiful, a little shy but I am sure She writes poetry.
You have very sensitive tuch and line in this artwork. I like this very much.

Greetings from Finland!
Jess said…
That sounds interesting :) I have a cartoon animation that plays in my head when just before I go to sleep. Thankyou!x
Jess said…
Maybe that's me! ;) Thanks Merle.x
Jess said…
I think that too. I don't don't she physically looks like me but I think my feelings tend to come out when I'm drawing faces.x
Jess said…
Thankyou! :) I like that she might write poetry, maybe that's my alter ego coming out because I would never have the confidence or ability to write poetry even though I'd love to be able to!x
millefeuilles said…
Dear Jess,

Quite simply she tells me something I already knew: that you are a wonderful artist. I love her oval face and gentle, dreamy expression.

Happy, sunny Sunday to you.

Jess said…
Aww thankyou Stephanie, you're so kind :) Happy Sunday to you too.x
Paper rainbow said…
How interesting to think that the face you draw subconciously may be a self portrait! Lovely drawing.
Tammie Lee said…
yes, i feel this all the time with the faces i draw
she is lovely ~
Cameron said…
She looks contemplative....deep in thought. When I draw faces out of the blue, I don't think they ever look like me....haha!

I love the shading and her eyes :)
Unknown said…
She is dreaming of times past and all her happy memories. Lovely drawing!
renilde said…
not sad rather melancholic and humming very softly, a song that brings back memories, lovely x
Jess said…
Jess said…
Thanks Tammie, your faces are lovely.x
Jess said…
Thanks Cameron, I don't think she looks like me at all but maybe I was deep in thought when I was drawing her! :)
Jess said…
Thankyou Lindsay, that's a lovely idea. I like it! :)
Jess said…
Humming - a great idea! Thankyou Renilde.x

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