Coloured Pencils and an Evening Gown.

I felt in the mood to use my coloured pencils for this one. It's been ages since I have used them and it was lovely to choose which colours to use and not have to mix paint. Don't get me wrong, I love to mix paint too but I enjoyed having a change of medium. 

I need you to help me find a name for her. She'd like to have gone to Glastonbury Festival this weekend and is all dressed up with no-where to go. Ballgowns at Glastonbury you may ask? Of course! :)


Merlesworld said…
I haven't used then since I was young, I must try them again.
Tammie Lee said…
she looks lovely in her gown
most certainly she needs somewhere to go
i love getting dressed up on occasion.
OH ISN'T THIS SO PRETTY! Hello there Jess! Happy Sunday! Anita
Jess said…
They used to thought of as children's art materials until David Hockney made them fashionable again. :) Get them out and have some fun!x
Jess said…
Thanks Tammie! :)
Jess said…
Thankyou Anita! I hope you had a nice weekend.x
Jess said…
I've chosen the name 'Olivia' for her from a Facebook suggestion. It seems to fit her so well.xx

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