A Windy Summer Solstice

Thankyou so much for sharing your favourite white pen links with me. I shall be able to buy a new one - hooray! :)
In case you were wondering, the one I have at the moment is made by Pentel. My Amazon wishlist now has new additions, thankyou!

It's very windy here today and no sooner is the sky blue and clear and safe to put the washing out, it clouds over and threatens rain!
I wish you all a happy and sunny Solstice Weekend.xx


Anonymous said…
I draw a bird too, but my bird is a Bird of the Night and Your beautiful bird is out playing with wind.
Happy to hear You got a white pen, I like white pen too, it is important in some pictures.

Greetings from Finland :-)
Merlesworld said…
I's cold here but our skies are grey more rain coming.
Martina said…
Love that journal page with the wasting - it looks so ight and happy! Much wind here too! Happy sunday - an enjoy the full moon!
Tammie Lee said…
hello Jess,

fun that you got lots of white pen suggestions.

these are cute, the second one really caught my eye. Lovely week to you.
Jess said…
That sounds lovely :) I shall come and see.x
Jess said…
Cold in Australia? I wonder if I might call it warm? ;) I hope the rain is good for your garden.x
Jess said…
Thanks Martina, I didn't realise it was a full moon but felt something this weekend for sure!xx
Jess said…
Yes I'm so pleased to have asked you lovely blog people, I should have done that ages ago when I was first searching :) Thanks Tammie, a lovely week to you too!x
Anonymous said…
love the little kite flyer..and the kite:)
we've had a windy weekend too..summer solstice greetings to you x
i'm of to check out those white pen links..i've been looking for ages, i couldnt get another of the one i usually use and the one i've just got isnt very good..so nice timing too..thank you..:)
Jess said…
Thankyou! I'm glad to be able to find out about buying new white pens too. I don't know why shops don't stock them very often, they're so lovely to use aren't they?x
Unknown said…
Hi, jess - I love your drawings! happy week, and nice to meet you, sus
Kyra Wilson said…
I'm going to check out those white pens myself, I have never even thought of getting one, but it would be perfect! Love the paintings!
martinealison said…
Bonsoir ma chère Jessie,

Je ne sais plus si finalement l'été est arrivé chez nous. La météo est très capricieuse et aujourd'hui notamment il fait anormalement frais.
Dommage pour le solstice d'été ! Heureusement qu'en ouvrant la porte de ton blog j'ai la joie de me sentir bien... Une brassée de belles couleurs et de la vie !
J'adore ce fil et le linge qui sèche! J'aimais passer du temps avec ma grand-mère lorsque j'étais petite à étendre le linge.

Je te fais de gros bisous et un grand merci pour cette très jolie publication avec tes belles oeuvres. Tu as plein de talent.
Jess said…
Merci Martine! Il fait froid ici, (is that correct french for cold?) mais pas de pluie. Vous êtes très gentil. :)
Thanks for the tip about Pentel....will check it out....I need one,,,or two.
Lovely artwork as always.
Erin K said…
Oh I adore the little black bird with the kite...makes me want to run out when it does get sunny, to go fly a kite as well. I love your wonderful, expressive drawings. Wishing you cheerful days and sunshine. <3
Jess said…
Nice to meet you too Sus.x
Jess said…
Thanks Kyra, I wish I discovered them years ago! :)
Jess said…
Thanks Cynnie, I'm going to get more than one! :)
Jess said…
Thankyou Erin! We do have sunshine today, I hope you do too!x

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