Garden Paths

First of all can I say a massive thankyou to all of you that have 'liked' my page on Facebook. This picture above was an illustration I did a while ago and it seemed so fitting to celebrate the occasion. (I added the text afterwards!) Thankyou to my bloggie friends too! I really enjoy your visits and your comments here.

Do you remember the painting I was working on in my previous post? I've now finished it and given it a layer of varnish to protect the surface. It's now ready in waiting for its next adventure. I hope someone would like to buy it and give it a new home. :)

(The copyright watermark won't appear on the actual painting.)

I love to look at people's houses and imagine what it would be like to live there. I do admire pretty gardens too and wish the magic garden fairy would do all my gardening for me, well maybe not all of it because I like to do a little bit of planting when I'm on the mood but I could do with some help if I'm ever to get close to the garden of my dreams! ;)

 The new painting is painted on 2cm deep canvas and it measures 25 x 35cm. I've used coloured tissue paper and acrylic paint to achieve the textures and layers and added touches of white ink for the 'smoke'.

I've fixed the back with D-rings and string so it's ready to hang on your wall. It's now listed for sale in my Etsy shop and if you have any questions I'd be more than happy to answer!

Please click here if you'd like to see more details :)


It's beautiful Jess! :)
Carol said…
Well done on your Facebook "likes" (I don't do Facebook so can't like you on there!)
Another beautiful picture - do you know I think that would be fabulous as a fabric design.
Carol xx
Lisa Graham said…
I liked your Facebook! I didn't know you were on there so I am glad I saw this post Jess. Your painting is so so so pretty...I especially love all the underpainting visible in the ground. Lovely lovely houses!! Bright and full of cheer!
Jess said…
Thanks Viv!x
Jess said…
Thanks Carol, one day I'll get round to designing fabric. :)x
Jess said…
Hi Lisa, Thankyou for finding me on FB! Lovely pic of you :)
Tammie Lee said…
hello Jess,

both paintings are wonderful, bright and cheery. such a joy to see.
lovely weekend to you ~
Micki Wilde said…
Both paintings are fabulous, and those hedgehogs are just wonderful!!
Congrats on your 300, here's to many more x
Young at Heart said…
love the texturing......inspiring!!
Martina said…
So darling these houses in your painting Jess! Am sure it'll find a nice new home soon! Have a splendid weekend!
Jess said…
Thanks Tammie.x
Jess said…
Thanks Micki.x
Jess said…
Thankyou, I love a bit of texture.:)
Jess said…
Thankyou Martina, you are very kind.x
Ginny said…
Jess, this is beautiful. You have included all of my favorite colors. It looks like such a happy place to live. I too often wonder who lives in each house and what they are doing.
Jess said…
Thankyou Ginny :) I'm glad you do too!x
renilde said…
I'm a fan of your paintings Jessie,the wonderful happy worlds you create are such a joy to look at, lovely details and beautiful colors, you should have a solo show with works like these, they would brighten up people's houses (and any dark and rainy day)
keep on painting dear Jess, xx
Jess said…
Thankyou, that's so kind of you to say. I'm having a bleh day today as you might have guessed.xx

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