Escape to the Countryside

I was passing a lovely little bookshop the other day and what should be in the window at a greatly reduced price? This lovely book!

The book is about the artist Anna Pugh and each page is a treat for the eyes. I'd like to show you every page but I expect Blogger might go onto meltdown if I do, so here are just a few of my favourites. They're all my favourites really so perhaps this could be called a random selection. :)

Such colour and detail, I could spend hours looking at each one. I'd love to own one of her paintings to have on my wall but I'm guessing they're way over my budget so I'll enjoy my lovely new book for now.
It gave me (even more of !) a yearning for green places so a trip to Dyrham Park was in order.

Dyrham Park is only a half hour's drive away from my home and it's a nice place to feel as though you're out in the countryside, like one of Anna Pugh's paintings. :)
 Is that a face I see in the bushes?

 I do declare it is. :)

 The orangery was rather nice too
 and it had one of those etchings on the wall similar to the one I showed you in my previous post.

This is St Peter's church next to the grounds. Please forgive me, I had the need to see it in black and white. ;)

Near the church was this lovely old doorway. I love doorways, especially old ones that to me promise a magical world beyond.

 The cow parsley is pretty at this time of year, the smell is lovely too.

A visit of lovely green escapism!


Charlotte said…
They are wonderful pictures Jess. I can really see why you love them. Thanks for sharing your find.
Nadia said…
That looks lovely! I love to visit those places in the UK when I am there, we do not have a lot of those here in the Netherlands.
Victoria Stitch said…
what a wonderful find!! Her works are absolutely beautiful. What an inspiring book. Thansk for sharing!
Martina said…
Thanks fpr sahring your escapism - such a great place! Hope you'll have a lovely creative weekend ahaed!
Wonderful fotos and I do love the St. Peters in blk and
Veronique said…
Makes me think a bit of Grandma Moses artwork, way more detailed.
Jess said…
Thankyou Charlotte, it's my pleasure! :)
Jess said…
Thanks Nadia, I do hope you get to visit here one day. :) I've never been to Holland and want to!x
Jess said…
My pleasure! :) She's my new favourite.;)x
Lins Artyblobs said…
There are lots of pictures of Anna Pughs work on Pinterest, thanks for the introduction. Lovely photos, I can see a face in the bush too.
Anonymous said…
wonderful pics jess, that book looks how you've photographed it in the grass:) the old church looks amazing too..and the secret doorway:) x
Rita said…
What a lovely book and such a treat when it's a bargain! Her work is gorgeous. I love your pictures as well...I know I live in a beautiful place but when I look at your pictures I swoon at all the green!
Merlesworld said…
Lovely paintings bright and happy colours, the countryside is looking good too, I love the face in the bush.
Tammie Lee said…
the book truly does look like a treasure. thank you for sharing it with us.

all your other photos are wonderful to see as well! Loved the face in the bushes and the door way. those deer, are they fenced in? our deer run wild. I remember them fenced like cows in New Zealand, it was shocking, something i had never seen.
Jess said…
Thankyou Martina, you too! :)
Jess said…
Thanks Cynnie, I'm glad you like the church pic, I thought it looked a bit gothic and spooky with those gravestones. :)
Jess said…
Yes it does! :)
Jess said…
Is there? I shall have a look :) Thanks Lins.x
Jess said…
Thankyou! I liked seeing the pages amongst the grass! :)
Jess said…
Yes it was definitely a treat!x
Jess said…
Thanks Merle, they are lovely aren't they? I'd like to live inside one of those pictures!
Jess said…
Thanks Tammie, yes those deer are fenced in but it's a lot of land they have to roam around in so I don't think they'd notice the fences. I'd be horrified too if I could see all the boundaries close together. :)
Erin K said…
What a lovely painter! I really like the style, so what a brilliant find that was! <3 Oh my gosh...Dyrham Park looks so beautiful and peaceful. I wish I could visit and bring my sketchbook, if just to sketch that mysterious face in the bushes and the sea of queen annes lace. Vancouver doesn't have many spots like this gem. Thank you so much for sharing. <3
Jess said…
She is isn't she?! Dyrham Park is lovely all year round, I'm so lucky to be able to go there. Thanks Erin.x
Rachel said…
That book looks great, such bright and cheery paintings.

I haven't been to Dyrham Park before, but I'll definitely have to add it to my list of places to visit. I love going round stately homes, parks etc.
Carol said…
Lovely book, great find.
Dyrham Park looks a lovely place for a visit.
Carol xx

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