Two Birds Colourful Painting

I've finished the painting that I showed you in my last post. Above is a crop of it. Can you see the other bird on the right hand side? It looks as though that's the other bird's reflection doesn't it? As though he's looking in the mirror!

 Here's another close up crop of the same painting.
I made lots of layers of lovely bright pinks, blues and golds and made some scratching zig-zag patterns while the paint was still wet.

Here's the whole painting. It measures 40 x 40cm, (that's 16inches square). It's hanging on my kitchen wall at the moment but it will eventually be exhibited in the summer. I'll tell you all about that another day. :)
I've put a gallery on my new website, CLICK HERE to see. If you'd like to leave a comment on the guestbook page that would be lovely! :)

Bye for now, have a lovely weekend. :) The sun appears to have arrived at last! xx


Veronique said…
Really enjoyed your new website!
Anne Manda said…
Really sweet and beautiful, love it! <3
Els said…
Ha, Jess, I wonder what your world would look like ... without COLOUR !!!! ;-)
Cameron said…
So bright and happy....I just love your work and new gallery, Jess!
Carol said…
Oh that is lovely, yes, just like one bird is looking at its reflection. We get long-tailed tits and they sometimes mistake their reflection on our kitchen window for a mate or a rival! Quite funny to watch them pecking at the pane, you would think they would learn.
I shall go for a look round your new gallery. I know I will love it!
Have a great weekend.
Carol xx
p.s. I agree, tulips are lovely. I have some bright red ones out already, photo needed! I've bought some trailing lobelia for my baskets, my Dad often used to plant his borders with blue lobelia, white alyssum and red geraniums. He loved his garden.
lynne h said…
oh my gosh, jess, i adore this painting... the colors!! and the birds! and the vase! (and those white flowers : )

CraveCute said…
Wow, the colors just cheer my heart! I'm checking out your new site. :)
Kristin Dudish said…
I love the bright colors (and your gallery page looks great)!

Anonymous said…
love the layered scratching..and the painting is very (s)tweet! :)

Kyra Wilson said…
I really like the personality of those birds. :)
I need the color in my life! WE had more snow on Thursday and more is coming on Sunday! Happy weekend Jess! Anita
denthe said…
Wonderful! Love the bright colours and the tails you added!
millefeuilles said…
Dear Jess,

It is such a joy to visit your wonderful blog today to catch up with the few posts I have missed and, oh I must say this, I simply love your header! You are such an inspiring artist and this spring morning is off to a very good start now!

Gina said…
Very pretty. I just love the colours.
Jess said…
Thankyou Anne! :)
Jess said…
I would shrivel and die ;)
Jess said…
Thanks Cameron! :)
Jess said…
Sounds beautiful Carol. Photos definitely needed! :)
Jess said…
Thankyou Lynne!xu
Jess said…
I enjoyed doing that too. :) Thankyou!x
Jess said…
Thanks Kyra, they emerged on their own! :)
Jess said…
Oh no not more snow?! I hope it cheers up soon where you are! :)
Jess said…
Thankyou, I loved using these bright colours, very uplifting. :)
Jess said…
Thankyou Stephanie! :)
Jess said…
Thankyou Gina, I hope to do more soon. :)
Ana M.F. said…
I love the colors!! Great work.
Priti Lisa said…
You are a magical person Jess! I love your Gallery♥
Victoria Stitch said…
ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!!! seriously, I loooove this picture! especially the stars poking out of the flowerpot. And the rainbow patterny background. really beautiful!

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