Inspiration from Huguette Caland

Feeling a bit stuck with my painting this week I thought I'd look at this video again of a lovely artist called Huguette Caland. Born in Beirut in 1931, she now lives in California and is so happy all the time it's a joy to see. Her enthusiam for life and her creating comes across in the film.
Her work is beautifully detailed but not at all laboured. It has the appearance of textiles with lots of patterning which appeals to me. :)
Let me show you some of her work, easier for me to show than to desribe!

Rossinante 4

Undercover III


Rossinante 7

Aren't they lovely? I'm feeling some detailed patterning coming on ;) 
If you'd like to see more of her beautiful work, visit her website here.


Deborah said…
Hi Jess, thanks for sharing this. I had never heard of Huguette Caland but her work is beautiful. I'll be checking out her website :)
Good morning Jess! I am always in wonderment over PAINTERS. I cannot for the life of me, PAINT. I can doodle and illustrate but in simple, quick lines. This kind of art, as well as yours, requires a sort of freedom that I only have found in my other artistic expressions: DANCE, THEATRE and writing.

Lovely work to see today on my birthday. Thank you for coming to celebrate with me! Anita
Priti Lisa said…
Thank you for the video Jess,
I so enjoyed it...I'll bet your
work would inspire Huguette too.
denthe said…
Omg this is amazing! So much detail! Love her work! Thanks for sharing ♥
Jess said…
I hadn't herd of her before but I'm so glad to have found this to share :)
Jess said…
Strangly perhaps I am in wonderment at painters too! I struggle with it and it took me a long time to have the patience to try to master paint, a struggle that's ongoing! :)
I wish you lots of happy times today on your special day!xx
Jess said…
Thankyou Priti, that's very kind :)
Jess said…
My pleasure Denise, thanks for being here to see it!x
Lisa Graham said…
Oh Jess...I am so happy I watched this. She and her art are incredibly lovely. She makes me wish I still had a living grandma. Now I want to take my journals and markers and just doodle and doodle and doodle. But how does she make it look so elegant and's more than doodling, isn't it? I am betting you are feeling more inspired now. I am. Thank you for sharing this.
Gina said…
I've never heard of her before but the work is wonderful, just like beautifully patterned textiles. Thanks for the introduction!
Clare said…
Her work is stunning - I love the abstract use of colour and shape - what wonderful inspiration and delight
Jess said…
I'm so happy that you are happy! I've thought about whether doodles are art many times before and I actually think they are! :)
Jess said…
It is isn't it? I'm so pleased to share this with my bloggy friends. :) very lovely and such amazing contrast of colours.

Nina x
Els said…
Thanks Jess, what a wonderful woman/artist !!!
These are lovely, Jess! I love all her details and how effortless it seems. Thank you for sharing. I'll have to come back to watch the video.
Catherine Denton
Veronique said…
Thanks for sharing! Beautiful colours and patterns
Tammie Lee said…
these are beautiful
thank you for sharing an artist that inspires you, such a joy to see~
Jess said…
Thankyou for your comments, I'm so pleased that you enjoyed it too! :)
Ana M.F. said…
I love her energy and how she sees life. From these works, my favourite is the Undercover III, it's like a lanscape from another world :)
Thanks for sharing!!
What a great find, thanks for sharing it!!
I love the eyes!! snuck in there to create suggested life between the patterns. Brilliant work.

Lorraine xxx
Martina said…
Wow,these are stunning Jess! So delicatetely done. It inspires me too. Sometimes, i'd love to design some fabrics - even though these are paintings, they remind me!
rossichka said…
Oh, what a delight - for the eyes, for the soul! You opened a window and all those tints, lovely figures and details flew ... Thank you!

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