Blanket, Plants and Painting with Tissue

I've finished my blanket and the days are getting sunnier. 

It'll be lovely for cool evenings, or as a rug to sit on outside?

The sun is encouraging my perpetual spinach, just look at all that greenery sprouting forth. The lavender seeds in the tray on the right are being a little more cautious and who can blame them when the sun teases us so much, one moment there, then the next moment a distant memory?

My painting continues. I'm having fun layering coloured tissue paper onto the acrylic. It gives instant colour and if you don't like it, you can paint straight over!

Here's another painting I'm working on.

This one is using the same technique of tissue with acrylic. I like to work on more than 1 painting at a time because I can give each one a chance to dry a bit before thinking about the next stage. These are very different subjects to one another aren't they? I don't know why that happened. I know some artists have several very similar paintings on the go and any one time but I find I jump from one subject to the next.

Birds have been a fairly constant theme of mine. I wonder if they'll appear in my harbour picture? I shall let you know.


Charlotte said…
Great pictures, I would love to know what colour you have dyed your hands though. Whenever I use tissue paper I end up a variety of interesting colours.
Jess said…
Thanks! :) My fingers get so covered in paint it's hard to know which colour is from the tissue paper and which is paint from a tube!
Tammie Lee said…
hello Jess,

your blanket and art is all so beautiful. i love the colors you are drawn to use.
Kyra Wilson said…
You're definitely hopping along! I love the bird! :)

Victoria Stitch said…
I love the blanket! It's so nice and colourful. Just like your paintings!
Silke Powers said…
Ahhh, the colors in your post just make me happy! They are bright and clear and beautiful - In your paintings, the blanket and your spinach! Hugs, Silke
rachel awes said…
i'm craaaazy about your blanket, jess!!!
and always love your paintings.
man O'live, i bet i'd have the best dreams
covered with your sweet cover.
martinealison said…
Les oiseaux sont la vie... Et j'aime particlièrement les vôtres...
gros bisous
wow, Jess. It's so much work to crochet such a blanket. It turned out beautifully. I wanted to do that forever.
I like to have lots of paintings at the same time, but often think, that it would be great, if I could first finish one and then go to the other, because often it feels like I could not finish something.
Jess said…
Thanks Tammie!:)
Jess said…
I am! Thanks Kyra.x
Jess said…
Thanks Silke!
Jess said…
Thanks Rachel, if only you lived closer I would let you try it! :)
Jess said…
Merci beaucoup Martine, j'aime les oiseaux de la peinture! :)
Jess said…
Thankyou :) It didn't feel like work because i would sit with it on my lap each evening watching TV and it would grow before my eyes. I need to start another project soon!
Good morning Jess! I just love the way you see things in color. LOVE IT SO! Many happy days to you! Anita
denthe said…
That blanket is so cool! Beautiful colours, makes me happy to watch. Love your technique with the coloured tissue. Have to try that out some time.... (so many ideas, so little time ....)
Jess said…
Thanks Anita, happy days to you too! :)
Jess said…
Thanks Denise, do try it! It's actually quicker than painting, I think. :)
Rosie said…
Zinging colours. Carrot seedlings here and tomato flowers!
Jess said…
Sounds good! :)
deborah said…
I love your blanket Jess - very cosy, & colourful like your lovely artwork. I love homemade throws & blankets but unfortunately it's not a talent I share with you, despite my mother's best attempts to teach me when I was young :)
Victoria said…
Hello magical beauty!!I love your colorful wonderful..enjoy...and I love your garden and blissful!! And the amazing bird with kite...dazzling...soulful energies shining through...your paintings are like poetry!!Thanks for sharing your beautiful realm!
Hugs and sparkles!!
Jess said…
Thanks Deborah! My mother had several attempts to teach me as I was so impatient to learn but not very good at listening! Unfortunately my daughters did'nt take to it either! :)
Jess said…
Victoria you are so kind! Have a lovely weekend!x

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