A Day Out

Brixham Harbour

It's been a while since my last post hasn't it? It's been a very busy Easter holiday for me, lots of things to sort out and jobs to do.
Today's my first day at home but there's so much catching up to do after being away I don't know where to start!
So I decided to start right here and to make this blogpost :)

I did manage to have some relaxing time too and one of the places we went to was Avebury Manor. I've been to Avebury stone circles more times than I can count but have never visited the 500 year old Manor House. Each room has been restored to a different time period to represent the different generations of people who lived there over the years.

I love the handpainted wallpaper in one of the rooms, so detailed. It was difficult to choose which part to photograph there was so much amazing pattern.  

It's based on an early English chinoiserie wallpaper from around 1700.

The artist Mark Sands working on this design added his own touches. Can you see the smily faces on the peacock's tails?

These pictures above and below are wallpaper too, again painted by hand. They're so detailed, any part of the wall could be framed as a painting!

The wallpaper makers from China painted the image of Avebury Manor into the design.

There's so much to look at like this lovely plaster decoration on the ceiling of the Tudor bedrom. I could live with this!

I liked the screen in the 1930s room too.

In another room some birds caught my eye

 and again in another room there were birds. These much more beautiful.
(Sorry you stuffed dead ones, no offence.)

  Painted or stuffed? I know which one I'd rather have in my house. How about you?


Kyra Wilson said…
I bet that's just fascinating to wander around in those different rooms! :)
Nadia said…
Wow, I really love that house!! That would be a nice place to live in!:-)
Tammie Lee said…
hello and thank you for sharing beautiful glimpses of your visit.
that top image looks like a gorgeous painting!
Tammie Lee said…
so much beauty
looks like a wonderful place to visit. thank you for sharing these with us. i love the top photo, such beautiful light
Jess said…
Yes it was! I must go again one day :)
Jess said…
It's lovely isn't it? I like all the secret passageways inside too. :)
Jess said…
Thanks Tammie, it was a very cold day but beautiful too.x
Giggles said…
Wow so much inspiration here! You must have been in awe!! Gorgeous works!! Thanks for sharing all this yummy detail!!

Hugs Giggles
Anonymous said…
painted..for sure :)
that looks like my kinda day out..beautiful old building..inside and out. i love that they've restored each room to a different time period to represent the generations..fantastic! thanks for sharing some of your day jess, great to see the pics.

Anonymous said…
painted..for sure :)
that looks like my kinda day out..beautiful old building..inside and out. i love that they've restored each room to a different time period to represent the generations..fantastic! thanks for sharing some of your day jess, great to see the pics.
Veronique said…
Thank you for sharing these photos. I enjoyed it very much.
Jess said…
You're welcome!x
Jess said…
Thank you :) Yes I agree, although I'm fascinated by taxidermy I certainly wouldn't want it in my home! :)
Jess said…
You're very welcome Veronique :)
IT IS SO GOOD to see you post again! I fell in love with your world the last time you posted and here you are, sharing a GORGEOUS manor whose style I love and even patterned my own home after. I think I will take BOTH expressions of birds; I have a secret love for taxedermy (can't spell it, though!)

Clare said…
Ah England - filled with quaint beaches, magnificent houses and lots of interesting things to do.
Flotsam said…
Those painted screens are fabulous and a good idea for a lot of modern houses with their open plan aspects. I think a branch of my family used to have Avebury Manor, the Evershams / Everleighs? It matters not to me, I have seen no inheritance!
Jess said…
Thankyou so much Anita, you're very kind! Your house sounds beautiful!x
Jess said…
I must admit I'm happy to live here. :) I hope I can share a little of the beauty I see around me with you. :)
Jess said…
Ooo Bella you must be posh! You must go and have a look around one day if you haven't already. The amount of work that's gone into it is inspiring. :)
Introverted Art said…
what an amazing thing! beautiful!
Jess said…
Thankyou Ana :)
Anonymous said…
Hi Jess, I came over to visit you blog. Looks like you had a fun day, I love all the birds and I also love your artwork! Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog!
Anonymous said…
Hi Jess, I came over to visit you blog. Looks like you had a fun day, I love all the birds and I also love your artwork! Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog!
renilde said…
hello Jessie, that view on Brixham harbour is lovely, water in front and look at that sky, wow!
this post is just my cup of tea, being a great bird lover myself,i always wanted(and still do) to paint my hallway with birds,since we came to live here it has been replastered and there has put in a new, old floor and than life happened...one day i'll find time to do it
the bird painting would fit any interior, lovely xx
Jess said…
Thankyou - yours too! :)
Jess said…
That would be amazing if you did, I'd very much like that too! :)
Cameron said…
What a treat for the eyes....and the photo of the harbor was breathtaking, Jess!
Jess said…
Thankyou Cameron! :)

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