Mother's Day Treats

After a busy weekend, I came home yesterday to a lovely surprise. My youngest had been busy too!

A lovely poster for me!

and treats too!

 My favourite chocolates!

and pretty bracelets from my eldest.

Then visits by sons,

 who gave me beautiful things

and yummy homemade cakes.

 I hope yours was a good day too! :)

It's Monday morning now, sunny but really cold! 
My painting awaits my finishing touches so I shall see you again soon.x


rossichka said…
Oh, Jessie, you are so much loved!!! Wonderful signs of your children's affection, love and gratitude! You've had such a colourful Mother's day - let the colours stay by you in future, too!:)
so wonderful, looks really like a great day!
Priti Lisa said…
Beautiful, loving children you raised Jess...wonderful, happy post♥♥
Martina said…
OMG, so sweet all these gifts Jessie! We don't celebarte mothers day at this time here in germany, but i wish we would ;) Have a super week, would love to have cupcakes and coffee with you!
lynne h said…
oh, that is so sweet, jess!!

Introverted Art said…
Jess how sweet is that???????? I guess in moments like that we realize like is worthwhile.
Jess said…
Thankyou I will! :)
Jess said…
Yes it did make my day :)
Jess said…
Thanks Priti, it's a difficult job being a parent but this makes it so worthwhile doesn't it? :)
Jess said…
I'de very much like to as well, shame we're so far away! :)
Jess said…
Thanks Lynne! :)
Jess said…
I must admit it made me have tears! A special surprise. :)
Kyra Wilson said…
Happy mother's day to you! How sweet! (And what a neat door too!)
trish said…
How absolutely lovely.... xxx
Flotsam said…
Makes all those interrupted sleepless nights and nappies worthwhile!
Young at Heart said…
how fabulous......normally I get something dependant of child's income so anything from a huge Carry Grant boxset to a homemade card by way of various cakes and breakfasts.......however this year I got....nothing!!!! There was apologies and excuses resulting on a quick trip to ottolenghis on Monday but its not really the point.....yours did very very well!!
Jess said…
Thankyou! Yes that door was sitting in a garage for many years until we rescued it! :)
Jess said…
Yep! Not to mention the moody teenage years!
Jess said…
Oh no! I've had some years when I had very little and would have appreciated at least a handmade note! They'll learn one day when they have babes of their own! ;)
Jess said…
Thanks Trish :)
denthe said…
Wow, you git spoiled! Love those window-hangers with the little candles!
Jess said…
Yes they're unusual aren't they? Good choice of colours I thought. They know my taste!

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