A Private View and a Sea-Side Trip

Friday evening was the private view of the group exhibition that I'm taking part in. 

 It's called 'Cornucopia' and will be at The Grant Bradley Gallery in Bristol until March 2nd.

 If you're around this part of the UK, hope to see you there! :)

After all the excitement of the opening night, I was lucky enough to spend the weekend in my favourite place,

with the best view.

From every window was a joy to behold.

Wellies on and a few steps away and I'm right there on my favourite beach.

Some of you might recognise it already?

Surprisingly, there weren't many seagulls around. Where have they all gone? 
While London was getting coated in snow, the sun shone on beautiful, lovely St Ives.
~  ~  bliss  ~  ~ 
Back down to earth today, the easel beckons and there's lots to do. See you again soon! :)


Robin Larkspur said…
Your exhibit looks wonderful. What thrill!
Enviable visit to the shore. HOw beautiful, and how lucky you are to be there.
Nadia said…
The paintings looks so bright together on exhibition wall!! Beautiful pictures of the sea, I really miss the UK when seeing those lovely views!
renilde said…
ohlala his looks wonderful, both exhibition and that see views, so great ,enjoy! x
Kyra Wilson said…
Looks great Jess! And how fun to get to visit the shore!
Veronique said…
Wish you a good show! Looks wonderful; too bad I'm too far away to attend....
Unknown said…
Jessie, your art looks fabulous in the exhibition! What a lovely gallery! And, I am very enviable of your St Ives adventure!! Xx
Flotsam said…
No need to say where your photos were taken; it is a place I have spent many a happy time.

Thanks for posting about your exhibition in Bristol. It looks so colourful and vibrant, I shall try to pop in before the weekend.
Kim Mailhot said…
Magnificent !!! The gallery did a wonderful job.
But oh, those by the sea views...so glad you have that time!
Tammie Lee said…
Jess, your art looks wonderful on the wall. Nice to be part of an exhibit and to get to enjoy one of your favorite places. it looks wonderful!
Annie Lightbulb said…
Your art totally looks awesome and so is in place shinning with the other art, you totally rock and talented artist!
Unknown said…
oh wow! congratulations! ur art is very beautiful and mystical

Your work looks wonderful hanging at the exhibition! Love all the shots of the gorgeous beach too!
Irene Rafael said…
Congratulations on the show. Your art brightens the wall. I love seeing photos of the shore in your part of the world.
Ruthie Redden said…
Sighs, i should love to have come and ssen your exhibition, drat I won't be down in Bristol till the middle of March! Your work looks wonderful all hung together. x

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