A Watercolour Double Give-away!

I thought it about time that I did another giveaway for you. No rules, no regulations, all you have to be is someone who would be happy to own 2 of my original watercolour paintings. Yes two!

The four I have up for freebie grabs are.....

golden chair

hedgehog hair


Just leave a comment on this post telling me which two you would like to own and if you're the winner I will send them to you, simple! :)

They're all painted on strong acid-free watercolour paper using good quality watercolour paints. My favourite brand is Schminke, so velvety and bright! I shall sign your paintings for you too. The draw will be next Wednesday 14th November.
An early christmas present! Good luck. :)


Deborah said…
You are so generous sweetie! I would love any of your beautiful pics :)

Bee happy x
Jess said…
Thankyou Deborah, you're very kind! :)
Robin Larkspur said…
Ooooh, a wonderful giveaway! How nice of you!
All four are perfect, but if I must choose, if I were to be a lucky one to win, I'd love Hedgehog Hair and Universe.
Thanks for the possibility!!!
Nadia said…
I love universe because that are my favorite colours! But you're other paintings are very nice too!
Yvonne Stewart said…
Gorgeous paintings, lovely giveaway! My favourite is facepack and also universe, love the colour combinations in these. Facepack really makes me smile, its a scene we have to often in our house as I am a big Lush fan, Yvonne x
I think they are all beautiful, but if I was in with a chance 'oh gawd' it's such a toughie. Quite possibly the last...I think.

Good luck with the giveaway.

Nina x
Gill said…
What a generous giveaway!
My favourites are 'universe' and 'hedgehog hair'!!
Thank you!
Gill said…
What a generous giveaway!
My favourites are 'universe' and 'hedgehog hair'!!
Thank you!
Flotsam said…
No doubt,Jess, it has to be the two celestial ones - 'Universe' and
'Golden Chair'. They are so beautiful.
trish said…
How lovely of you....
Universe and Facepack are my favourite... although they are all lovely!xxx
rossichka said…
I just want to wish good luck to everyone and to tell you how happy I am to have one of Jessie's watercolours!:))
i was dropping by just to say hello, and i see it’s already Christmas over here! tall teh goodies are so lovely!
Dear Fireflies said…
Oh what luck! You are so generous for giving away your beautiful originals! I love them all, but I think my most favorites are Golden Chair and Universe. XOXO
They all look fantastic! My fave are golden chair and the universe. :) Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

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