The End of Summer

It really does feel like the end of summer. 
Although the weather is still sunny and warm, the shadows are becoming longer each day.
There is a magic in the air, an aura of expectancy. Do you feel this?

With this new seasonal energy I feel the need to tackle things that need tackling, like this painting. It's one I finished a while ago. The other day I was sorting through my watercolours for sale, when I came across it and realised a few more finishing touches were needed.

Do you ever do this to work that you thought had been finished?

I'm much happier with it now and I've relisted it for sale on Etsy. To see more details, please click here.


rossichka said…
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rossichka said…
Well, it happens to me sometimes as a director. After a realtively long pause (the summer vacation for instance) or while working with a new actor, I make some small changes in the puppet performance, maybe because I see with "other eyes"..., more clearly... I hope it's for the best!:)
A lovely painting with these cats!!
Jess said…
Thankyou! Do you see the changes? I might rescan this picture, it looks a little darker then the real one. :)
Love that polks dotted cat! Autumn is my favourite season, but I am hanging onto summer as the blousy blooms give us their last burst of colour and scent. x
Ruthie Redden said…
I do it all the time Jess, ans leave things unfinished too often as well. This piece looks lovely now its done though. I am loving the Autumn magic in the air, my favourite time of year, the colours, msells & feeling of drawing in. Have a lovely weekend.
rachel awes said…
i love your wild kingdom. xox
Martina said…
Oh, yes, often! Sometimes i overpaint and redo the whole thing - that has become part of my work in layers process. Have a happy weekend!
rossichka said…
No, I don't see what you've changed - I don't have "an eye" for such precise details.:)
Anonymous said…
Yes, sometimes a piece of work whispers that we are not quite finished with it. I love this pink cat. She looks like a Cheshire Dr. Seuss character. :)
Anonymous said…
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Kyra Wilson said…
I love the cat painting!
Ana M.F. said…
I love the cats!!
Flotsam said…
Being a lover of summer; I do not look forward to autumn despite every year finding it a time of rest after the frantic long days. I think I know what you mean about the magic.
Feeling it too.
Flotsam said…
Being a lover of summer; I do not look forward to autumn despite every year finding it a time of rest after the frantic long days. I think I know what you mean about the magic.
Feeling it too.
Victoria said…
Oh my..this is blissful..such gorgeous cats..i can feel the sense of seasonal celebration and transformation in the horizon...powerful! The color palette is amazing too..beautiful!

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