The Blue Moon Day

It's a blue moon today. This means it's the second full moon within the same month. The last time we had a blue moon, it coincided with a landmark birthday of mine. Today it is happening on the day I put my exhibition up. An auspicious sign? ;)

It's done, they're all hung at last. :)

It's a nice feeling when all the hard work is over. The two photos above are of my own paintings and below you can see

Jenny's paintings.
We have very different styles but we do share the same idea of the paintings evolving from layers, hence the name of the exhibition, 'Hidden Layers'!

I can relax a bit now and wistfully remember the summer that's passing. I spent quite a bit of it near the sea, I like to be by the sea!

The evening draws in

and a late summer's day comes to a close. :)


Micki Wilde said…
Your paintings look fabulous hun, I hope you sell out :)
rossichka said…
Good luck, Jessie! The paintings look so beautiful, hung in that space! I hope you'll find a lot of admirers!...
Oh, the summer! It's nice when you say "good-bye" to it with a smile!
The photos reveal marvellous sights!

The blue moon in fact is not "blue", isn't it? I've missed the previous one, so I'm eager to see it tonight,too!xx
Robin Larkspur said…
So exciting to see your art work hung and ready to be viewed. Beautiful paintings, all.
I love the photo of the old ship.
Happy Blue Moon, may it bring you very good things.
Carol said…
Hope the exhibition is a great success for you both, beautiful paintings.
Carol xx
Kim Mailhot said…
Your paintings look wonderful all on display like that ! Such beauty !
Thank you for your views of the see.
Enjoy the moon and all the new things it brings.
Light and love !
Yvonne Stewart said…
Your paintings look really beautiful, it's lovely seeing them all together set out like this, I hope the exhibition goes well xx
Karen said…
They look fabulous! Hope it's going really well. I think the blue moon is definitely a good sign. :)x

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