Thankyou Micki, I love her! :)

I have no new pictures to show you and feel quite lost not being able to upload any but something happened that's stopped me in my tracks. My laptop died last night. Along with it went all my saved photos and painting jpgs since the beginning of time. All of them. I remember thinking to myself after an afternoon of Photoshopping I should put it all on a memory stick in case something like this happens. :(

Well today was going to be a lovely post about my beautiful picture that arrived from Micki at The Secret Hermit. I was the lucky winner of her recent blog give-away. Yesterday morning I took photos as I unwrapped the pretty packaging adorned with birds and flowers so that I could share my excitement with you.
She is gorgeous!

I'm afraid you're going to have to take my word for it at the moment but to my mind, it's the best one of all Micki's paintings and that's saying something. When I get a chance I'll show her here for you all to enjoy.

Thankyou Micki! xx


Micki Wilde said…
I am so sorry to hear about your computer issues Jess, I lost a ton of family photos a few years ago and I know how that made me feel.

I am super glad you like the painting though, I really liked the colour scheme you chose for the flowers, so pretty and oceany ;o)

I will blog a piccie of the girl you won in my weekly update tomorrow x
Gretel said…
Oh b....r Jessie! That is soul destroying. I know this is of scant use now, but I back up every week, just in case something awful happens, as it does with any computer at some point. I have a one 1TB portable hard drive which is enough to hold my many thousands of photos and files for a few years, I highly recommend them, you just plug it in and it does the rest. Not very comforting at the moment, but well worth it in the future. I asked for one as a Christmas present, as they aren't cheap, but I would go spare if I lost my last 8 years of photos!
Robin Larkspur said…
Oh no, so sorry to hear about the laptop. Why do we never take the time to back things up. I haven't either. Really important. I feel your pain.
Lisa Graham said…
Bless your heart. I have feared this many times over and over. Is there some computer place you take your laptop to to recover it all? My husband is computer savvy and he says they usually can do it.

I love Micki's work too! It is very expressive and just speaks to the heart!
martinealison said…
Lisa a raison, tu devrais pouvoir faire récupérer l'ensemble de ton disque dur... Un problème similaire m'est arrivé il y a quelques années et un technicien a su me récupérer et me graver l'ensemble de mon disque dur... Alors bonne chance, rien n'est perdu.
Gros bisous
CraveCute said…
So sorry about your PC. Maybe you will be able to recover some of your files.
Dear Fireflies said…
Oh, you poor dear! That happened to me once and I think I can remember feeling quite lost too. But hey, cheer up! Just think of it as a new beginning to a new adventure...with new paintings and new moments to capture.

Besides, is there no way that your laptop maybe just be temporarily dead? My computer was revived at the end...thankfully. :)
Oh no :(( It might be possible for the hard disk to be taken out and put in a caddy and read as an external disk (I work in IT support and that is how we recover the data from dead machines). So a computer repairers might be able to do that for you. Good luck
Karen said…
Oh no! So sorry to hear this. :( I'm sure there must be a way of retrieving the pics though? Don't give up yet. xx
Carol said…
Oh I am sorry to read about your laptop dying and taking your photos with it. Hopefully you will be able to extract some from your blog.
Fingers crossed some techy will be able to restore the computer's memory. I back up using 'One click', should do it more regularly though.
Carol xx
Geri said…
Oh my...that is really sad about losing all of your photos! I've heard that nothing is really lost and that if go to someone who knows they may be able to recover what was on your hard drive.

I came over here from Micki's blog (congrats on winning) and had a look around and love your work. I just added you to my Bloglovin list. ♥
Jess said…
Thankyou for your helpful tips on restoring my laptop. I live in hope that I can get it restored! :)

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