Pink and Purple and an Owl.

Pink flowers on a hot day.

The owl I painted on a windy day.

The cardigan I finished on a wet and rainy day.

Pink and purple.


Natalie said…
I love the owl! I'm loving your blog too. Came via Twitter btw ;-) xx
Robin Larkspur said…
Great pink and purples..adorable owl, and WOW!!!! fantastic sweater, you are amazing!!
Потрясающее видение мира! Ты смотришь вокруг и в каждой интересной детали окружающего находишь столько прелести! И вязание, и особенно рисунок - очень понравились!!!
Introverted Art said…
Jess, this owl is so beautiful! Absolutely adorable.
Deborah said…
Great post, your flowers, owl and cardi are all so gorgeous! hope you are having a happy day sweetie, thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Bee happy x
Deborah said…
Great post, your flowers, owl and cardi are all so gorgeous! hope you are having a happy day sweetie, thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Bee happy x
Lisa Graham said…
Your owl is adorable. Love the pointy ears. Enjoy your blog break and paint lots and lots!

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