Over the Sea to Skye and Hooray, My Camera Uploaded!

 Thankyou for all your helpful comments when my laptop met its demise last week. It still lies dormant but I think there might yet be a way of retrieving lost things.
A big thankyou and welcome to new followers too! I've just come back from a few days away so I hope you didn't feel too abandoned by me. ;)
To make up for it I'm doing a longer than usual post to share with you the most amazing images I've been enjoying over the last few days. Now remember I don't have Photoshop any more and so have no way of 'tweaking' these pictures to exaggerate the colours, so what you see here is just as it came straight off the camera!
So pull up a chair, pour yourself a nice cup of tea (or coffee!) and be amazed....

I've been away to the isle of Skye in Scotland. Can you believe the colours in this picture?! This was 10 o'clock one evening, yes, I said 10 o'clock in the evening. The sun didn't set until 11! Remember I don't have Photoshop any more, this is real. :)

 A bit of a contrast to the last picture but stunning all the same. This is the view across to the Isle of Skye taken from the ferry. Look at those mountains beckoning in the distance.

 This lovely bright green tempted me to try out the close-up setting on my camera. :)

 Even my previously sulky teenager was impressed by the scenery. ;)

 If you're going to be a sheep, this would be the place of choice to live don't you think?

 Both night and day, the skies wore their best dresses.

 So many textures to inspire.

 I couldn't go to Scotland and miss taking a photo of this beautiful scottish thistle now could I?!

Spot the daughter walking. (A rare treat for me to see this.)

The most magical place you could ever encounter is the  Fairy Glen. Tiny trees, bracken and hills.
Everything in miniature!

It was all it promised to be. :)


Now that my camera can upload its pictures, I'm happy to tell you that I can now show you the photos I took when I opened my prize that I told you about in my last post. Better late than never!
Beautifully packaged, thankyou! :)

 She sits on top of the piano for all to see. A perfect colour match for my turquoise walls! :) You can see more of Micki's paintings here.


Julia Guthrie said…
wow wow & wow.. how lucky you are to visit such a magical & stunning place! I'd love to go to Skye :)
Gorgeous photos too... stunning scenery!
Julia Guthrie said…
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Carol said…
SKYE!!!! Now I am jealous, one of my favourite places, love, love, love it and have been lucky enough to visit a few times but not recently. Thank you for such brilliant photographs. Magical place.
What a lovely painting to win.
Hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Carol xx
p.s. re your comment question - I am the one in the middle of the 'trio', dark dress, long hair and also sat at the sewing machine proudly wearing my new pinny.
Tif aka Dottie Angel is the one on my right with plaits and orange dress and the other lady is the lovely Rachelle from "Ted and Agnes" blog who led the workshop with Tif
Lisa Graham said…
Wow...envious of your trip to Scotland. It looks amazing...can't believe that top photo was 10 pm. Now I DO wish I was a sheep. :)

Thank you so much for sharing the adventure with us!

PS: I saw your Secret Hermit painting...it's beautiful!
Jess said…
Oh Julia I hope you get the chance to go! :)
Thanks Carol, I shall pop over to you again now I know it's you! ;)
Jess said…
Thankyou Lisa, yes it was weird having light so late in the evening. I guess they get very very long dark days in the winter though. I wouldn't fancy that! ;)
Micki Wilde said…
Wow gorgeous pic's, bet you had a fab time!!

So glad you like the girly I painted for you x
catkin tales said…
gosh it's been a while since i've managed to pop along here for a visit and what a treat to find the magical isle of skye.. your pictures are breathtaking! and i know there is no place like it, i visited there as a child and have never forgotten it's beauty and energy.

i hope you are well and having a sweet summer (despite the weather)

blessings xx
Robin Larkspur said…
What an amazing adventure with so many astounding photos. The Isle of Skye....it even sounds magickal!
Claire said…
Beautiful photos Jess.....I have been fortunate enough to visit this wonderful part of the globe. Just as well as I would be desperately searching for my passport otherwise and leaving a note for the family, hehe.....

Well done on winning the giveaway......beautiful painting...

Claire :}
Heaven on earth...it is beautiful there....now I know where I should go on my next vacation. Great shots!
What a fabulous painting you won...looks perfect with your walls!
Ginny said…
The Isle of Skye. I have never visited but it is definitely a place that I would love to see. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful pictures. I got to take a wonderful trip without leaving home.
Dear Fireflies said…
Gosh! I think I love visiting you even more now because you always seem to post about the places I went to as a kid!! I went to the Isle of Skye ages ago, and it's every bit as beautiful as I remember it...even more so! Thank you for sharing these, Jess, I can give you a giant hug right now! oxx
Kim Mailhot said…
How very very beautiful Scotland is ! You have captured it so wonderfully ! Wow...

Congrats on your sweet lady too !
Happy Monday !
Ruthie Redden said…
Oh Jess ~ im sooo envious! I fell totally in love with Skye when O and I were there a couple of years ago & long to go back. Isn't ti breathtaking. Beautiful shots, I had to laugh about ur suly teenager being drawn out I had one like that too x Do hope u get the laptop sorted x
Tammie Lee said…
such beautiful land full of spirit that you visited! Thank you for sharing your photographs with us, oooh ah!

how lovely that you won Micki's gorgeous painting!
Annie Lightbulb said…
Oh wow, what beautiful photo's,positively looks so wonderful I want to go! Congratulations on your painting from Micki!
Sharon said…
Beautiful post, looks amazing! And thank you for visiting my blog!

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