Illustration Friday: Lonely

 This week's word for Illustration Friday is 'lonely'.

 Of course you don't need to be alone to feel lonely.

What do you think, Mr Seagull?


Micki Wilde said…
Great painting Jess and lovely seagull too!!

You're right about the lonely thing, I feel more lonely in crowds of people than I do at home on my own, but then I am a (not so secret) hermit ;o)
Carol said…
Jonathan Livingston seagull I presume?
Wonderful painting, yes, you can indeed feel lonely when you aren't alone.
I enjoy my own company so when alone I don't feel lonely.
Carol xx
rachel awes said…
dear painting xox
Unknown said…
Lovely illustration/painting Jess. =D
xxyy said…
lovely painting! xx
Dear Fireflies said…
Your painting is beautiful, Jess. I love the soft, tender colors. oxx

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