Dragonflies and Lovely Shapes

Dragonflies (available as a print here)

It stops me in my tracks when I see a dragonfly.
That doesn't happen very often, so when I saw this one, I had to get my camera out and capture it before it flew right away!
They're lovely shapes to draw and I can imagine I'll be drawing more before too long. :)

I spotted another lovely shaped object, this amazing seedhead

and something else that caught my eye. Beautifully curved, lipstick pink flower petals, almost transparent in the sunshine.

I love the silhouette of the stems of this plant with its bright pink flower heads against the dark green of the yew. (I'm not great at knowing plant names -sorry!) But I do know that the almost ghostlike plant behind it is love-in-the-mist. I'm growing some in my garden but they're still very tiny at the moment. All that rain has confused my poor seedlings and now the sun is hot to trot, they may well bloom after all!

Have a lovely weekend one and all. :)


Tammie Lee said…
such an amazing piece
i love how you have made a halo of dragonflies around her.

you might be overwhelmed here, I have hundreds of dragon and damsel flies!

lovely summer to you Jess!
Silke Powers said…
What a gorgeous piece of art, dear Jess! I love all the dragonflies around her head!! And the photos are beautiful. Don't you love that name: love-in-the-mist?! Happy Weekend!! Hugs, Silke
gorgeous piece, i love teh dragonflies dacing around her.And i must say i never knew athere is a plant called love in the mist! enjoy your week end too :)
x sandra
me again, forgot to say i absolutely love your background on your blog page! you made that, didn’t you? it would make a wonderful fabric for a silk summer dress.
Kim Mailhot said…
Summer sdure does have its share of scene stealers, doesn't it ? Just lovely to stop and focus on the unique beauty of each plant, as well as the picture they make together.
Happy Weekend, Jessie !
Rita said…
Beautiful! I love dragonflies. Lovely art and lovely pictures.
Micki Wilde said…
I adore dragonflies, but rarely get the chance to see them as I don't live near to any water areas. Me and the hubby visited a national trust house a while ago and the water area in the garden was covered in dragonflies, so beautiful, as is your painting :o)
Carol said…
Beautiful. Not seen many dragonflies this year but then saw several near the lake at nearby country park last week.
I believe the grey and pink plant is Lychnis Coronaria, you can also get a white versiob and a beautiful cross "Oculata".
Carol xx
Laura said…
I love dragonflies! You're painting is fabulous!

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