Button Love
I have a large collection of buttons,
most of them have had a couple of incarnations already. A lot of them are many years older than me!
I was looking for some buttons for the jacket I'm making. It's almost done, like my painting, it's been on hold for a while because I've been away from home over the school holidays and haven't been able to sit and do anything that involves concentrating.
I woke this morning wondering how I'm going to get back into painting again after such a long break and what do you think arrived first thing?
Ta daaaa!
My long awaited book written and illustrated by Suzi Blu. What a lovely treat to start the day! :)
Happy weekend everyone!
Hope you have lots of fun this weekend with your new book of inspiration!
The book looks fun I am a fan of Suzi so I may need to go and get that bought.
how fun that inspiration arrived with magical timing!
I must admit I do love buying new ones too but that doesn't happen very often!x
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Génial de prendre du plaisir à regarder votre livre.
Gros bisous
xxx Lorraine xxx
+ that book looks like treasure.
your life overflows w/it.
I love buttons, too. I never throw away a button. I have some old ones from my Mum - as a little girl I used to make figures with them. But your collection is impressive! Imagine if the buttons could talk...:0)
I hope you're enjoying that new book! oxx
Nina x