Being Natural

Have you read a book where the words touched the very core of who you are? That speaks to your heart so strongly, you wake up knowing the universe has a unique plan for you and you need to trust the natural rhythms of life?  That's what this painting's about, although I didn't realise it at the time. :)

I love to see flowers being allowed to grow where they like, where feels natural to them. They flourish and look more beautiful to me.

I'm really enjoying the wild flowers that are springing up everywhere at the moment. I don't see them as weeds, they're more beautiful to me than the cultivated ones.

Trust in Nature.


Carol said…
I know what you mean, if dandelions were rare people would be paying pounds to buy them!
Lovely gentle painting.
Carol xx
Dear Fireflies said…
I love the look in your lady's eyes. So gentle and loving. :)

I couldn't agree more about wild flowers. Your photo looks absolutely splendid! The ground is the perfect canvas for those beauties...
renilde said…
oh wow those wildflowers look stunning and i just love the flowers growing out of the book, some books do have that quality indeed ;) x
rossichka said…
Dear Jess, I have read such books - with stories that sounded so "mine" as sensibility, emotionality, themes and possible scenarioes to happen... Books in which pages I wished I could jump and emerge with world depicted inside!... I like your dreamy drawing in tender colours, especially the magical flowers, growing in the book!
Maybe you are right about the wild flowers. Noone arranges them in rows and circles, but they are always in such a harmony!:)
And now... guess what? I received your parcel!!! I can't believe it arrived just for 6 days, having in mind that the 4 of them were our Easter holidays... Thank you so much!! The feeling to hold your painting and look at it is very different and strong! Hurrah!:0)x
Jess said…
Thankyou Carol :) You're right about the dandelions. All of the plant is edible, even the roots and if they were for sale in shops people would look at them entirely differently. That's the shame about our society. Too much importance is put on monetry value.

Thankyuo Amalia, I agree, the ground is one enormous picture! :)

Thankyou Renilde, they caught my eye and I saw their tremendous beauty.

Hi Rossi, I'm so happy my parcel arrived quickly to you all that way! I hope my painting makes you smile! :)
Robin Larkspur said…
This post, sweet and true.
Lins Artyblobs said…
I agree with you about the flowers. I saw a host of golden dandelions the other day, they looked gorgeous.
Jess said…
Thanks Robin :)

I agree Lin, so bright and fluffy!
Maria said…
I love the painting! I know exactly what you mean about a book touching your heart as you are reading it. When I find a book like that I have trouble hanging onto it because I keep wanting to share the experience.
Charlotte said…
Gorgeous. I love wild flowers (will never call them weeds) in the garden. More importantly wildlife likes wild flowers so twice the pleasure. Thanks for such lovely pictures. Fair cheered me up!!
Jess said…
Thankyou so much Maria :) I have special books that are mine alone and I daren't lend them to people in case I need them!

Thanks Charlotte, my thoughts entirely! :)

Thankyou Rita, you are so kind.
Annie Lightbulb said…
Your art and post is so beautiful! What joy to have this wonderful knowing about your art! Wow!
Clare said…
I know just what you mean about that special book. I've just finished reading the Alchemist and it left me knowing that life is filled with wonder and dreams. Those flowers are so beautiful - the colours, they are more precious for just popping up in unexpected places.
Jess said…
Thankyou Julie and Clare :) Your book sounds interesting Clare, I must go and look it up!
Oh I love that painting so much :)
Jess said…
Thankyou so much Jae! :)
Micki Wilde said…
I rushed over here after seeing your comment on my blog,
Lol we are wild flower twins, I can't believe we wrote the same thing about them being more cheerful/beautiful, that's kinda spooky!!

Love your painting too, the blue and green are gorgeous together!!

oh yes, sometimes the book that you read can take you into a different world and think we are the people in the book. Finding such a book is a treasure.

what a lovely painting!
Ruthie Redden said…
I have indeed read books like that, they leave you with a warm glow in your heart too. Your painting sums it up beautifully Jess, lovely as always. Love the wild flowers, I am hoping to plant a wildflower patch by the stream here this year.
millefeuilles said…
Dear, lovely Jess,

That flower paradise picture is so breathtaking!

Trust in Mother Nature. This is my mantra at the moment.

I simply wished to let you know I have linked to your blog to show that beautiful print I purchased from your shop a few weeks ago.

Ana M.F. said…
Your illustration is a beautiful homage to those books that make our imagination fly and we can't stop reading. :)
Ana M.F. said…
Have you seen The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore?
Hello there! I wanted to stop by to thank you so much for your visit. I TRUST IN NATURE and I am trying to get the most out of it today on my day off from work.

Your art is stunning and it is so wonderful to make connections with so many lovely people! BE WELL! Anita
Jess said…
Thanks Micki, yes we are wild flower twins!

Thankyou Lakhsmita :)

Hi Ruthie, I don't have a stream nearby but that's something I want to do too! The more wildflowers the better! :)

Thank you so much Stephanie, I'm so happy to be amongst the beautiful objects on your lovely blog! :)
Thanks Ana, that's a lovely animation!
Thankyou Anita, it's good to meet you here too. :)
Karena said…
+so lovely Jess I adore your painting style!

....I wanted you to know...I am featuring Anita, our Friend, Designer and Paper Artist with Castles Crowns & Cottages, & her Giveaway on my site!

Art by Karena
Jess said…
Thanks Karena, I'll pop over to see!

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