Windsor, Pinterest and Facebook

Thank you for your kind good wishes on my last post. I'm gradually getting better and I had a lovely weekend. A sunny Sunday was spent in Windsor catching up with my eldest and her family. Here we are with my youngest and baby Maisy and that's the castle peeping through the trees in the distance.

We didn't visit the castle but had a nice lunch in a pub catching up on all the news.

painting by Jane Ray from my Pinterest Board, 'Art I like' .

Last week was spent mostly at home, skipping through the amazing site called Pinterest. I'd heard of it many times through people's blogs but I couldn't see the attraction until that is, I gave it a go myself!
I am now hopelessly hooked. For instance, I can collect all my favourite artists in one place.
(CLICK HERE if you'd like to see my boards)

Another new venture for me is my new Facebook Fan page. I wanted to do one for ages but wasn't sure how and kept putting it off. With time on my hands off work I had a chance to set it up. If you haven't been to visit me there, please do come over and say hello. I'll be thrilled to see you!


Karen said…
Glad you had a fun weekend and that you are feeling better. Hmmm.. Pin interest yes, I can imagine is very addictive. I think I'll steer clear for a little while longer! x
trish said…
Glad you are feeling better, there are lots of horrible chest infections about...
I can imagine that if I went on Pinterest i would get lost forever!xxx
Dear Fireflies said…
Looks like you had a fantastic day, Jess. I'm glad you're feeling better. I used to live near Windsor and went there often. I loved sitting on the benches in front of the castle and watched people walked by. Oh, how I miss that. Thanks for bringing up old memories. :)
M G A said…
I am a Pinterest addict...
:: hangs head in shame ::
Carol said…
Sorry you have been poorly but glad to read you are feeling better.
Lovely, happy family photo.
I've not joined Pinterest or Facebook, spend too much time in Blogland and Ravelry already!
Carol xx
Jess said…
Thanks Karen, it's nice for those moments when all you want to do is to look at inspiring images. :o)

Thanks Trish, yes, you might! ;o)

Wow Amalia, fancy that! It's a lovely place to walk around, we stumbled upon Eton. I don't know if it was open to the public but no-one told us off!

Oh Fluff Master, don't be shameful but I wonder what your username is. :o)

Thanks Carol, I know, we can only spread ourselves so thin that we disappear completely! ;o)
Victoria said…
Yay..happy you are well..and what a wonderful day you shared! beautiful photos..and lovely artist..sounds like pinterest is fun! yay!
Wishing you a magical week.
PS: i scrolled through some of your latest posts..GORGEOUS art..stunning works!!
Flotsam said…
I am glad you have shifted your illness. All we need now is a little more sunshine for those fat buds to open on the trees.
Jess said…
Thanks so much Victoria! :)

Thanks Bella, I need to shift my fat buds now! ;o)
Unknown said…
pinterest is very addictive. it's well organised by easily so. and so much eye candy right!?
Priti Lisa said…
Beautiful girls you all are!
Maisy is just the best name I've heard in a while.
I love drawing vines and swirls too...♥♥♥
Jo Potter said…
Good to see you had a great weekend with your family and Sorry to hear you have not been feeling to well lately. Glad you are much better now though!
I love Jane's magical work and I have been meaning to join Pinterest. A lot of people say it is really good.
I will say hello to you on facebook! ;-)
Take care Jess.
Jo. x
Lisa Graham said…
Hi Jess! Thanks for visiting me today! I can see you've been up to making all kinds of pretty the lady walking and playing violin.

I'm on Pinterest too...I don't get on there every day though. I will go check out your facebook right now! I have one too.
Jess said…
There certainly is Monica!

Awww thanks Priti. :)

Thanks for the FB follow Jo, I'm stil having teething problems with it but I'll get there in the end. :)

Thanks Lisa, I'll come over to find you!
Rosie said…
Glad you are up and running again. Apparently I was born in Windsor. It looks nice, ha, ha. And thanks for the reminder of pinterest, I had forgotten about it.
Jess said…
Hi Rosie, you must be very posh then ;o) Are you on Pinterest?

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