
(click for bigger)

Melody Beattie wrote
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Insanity is feeling like we can't choose, or can't choose anything but the one thing that doesn't work."

My own definition is having totally lost control of your own  thoughts.

Do you have your own definition?


Kim said…
Awsome, thank you
Silke Powers said…
Love your little painting - it's beautiful! And I know Melody's definition well. So true. I think sometimes what we call "insanity" is just the chaotic beginning of seeing things differently, of a whole new life... Hugs, Silke
Jess said…
Thanks Kim and Silke :) Yes chaos is a good desciption. Chaos might be needed before thing settle down to a new way? Thankyou!
Unknown said…
After seeing the title of this post my computer wouldn't scroll down and got be worried that maybe you had had enough. I am glad all is well after all. This is a slight deviation from your usual work. The colours and situation work well together (always like pale pink and green).
Deborah said…
Wonderful picture :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Jess said…
Thanks Bella, this is a sketchbook page, not the sort of thing I exhibit. Having said that, I used to worry that my paintings deviated from eachother but I don't any more, I just do what I do and let the paintings be what they are. :)

Thanks Bee! :)
Victoria Stitch said…
beautiful little painting! love the patterning!
Jess said…
Thankyou Miss Stitch! :)
Heather said…
i like this post - i agree chaos might be needed in order to see things in a new light...but it can get to you! Thanks for sharing this today!
This sleeping beauty relaxes me when I look at her sleeping..,,I have the saying on my pinboard can´t keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different true. Happy Thursday evening to you.
trish said…
I like this painting...
Insanity is not being who you really are, not being true to yourself.
Jess said…
Thanks Heather, except the chaos, it won't last ;o)

Thanks Cynnie, the colours are restful ones, nurturing and protecting. :)

Thanks Trish, Being true to ourselves is harder than it sounds, especially when you have a family to look after. I find I put myself last and then forget who I am sometimes. :)
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately I could come up with a few . . .
PiaRom said…
she is so peaceful in her sleeping-pose :-) love the quote

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