Scary Birds

That's better!
I wasn't very comfortable with that last image from yesterday staring at me. I have a tendency to draw birds quite often, you might have noticed but would it surprise you to know I actually have a fear of them?!
I love to see them outside and I'm fascinated by how they look, especially owls. It's a rare thing to see an owl in the wild but the last time I saw one flying in the countryside was Swindon of all places! Such magical creatures.

I'm going to be painting over my scary bird in the same way I've started to paint over the left hand page of the sketchbook. I'll keep you posted with the results.

In case you thought Halloween was over in this house, you and I thought wrong! She couldn't resist dressing up as an 'undead Alice-in-Wonderland' and the pumpkin soup was delicious although I say so myself!


Unknown said…
That top picture of the green hill with suggestion of trees and path is so beautiful. I stopped to look at it for a while; it must be the composition. You have caught something special.
Jess said…
Thanks Bella! ♥
Jo Potter said…
Hi Jess,
You do surprise me that you are scared of birds!
You often paint them in a very sensitive and tender way.
I love your wild sketchbook with all the bright colours and owls are my bird favourite too!
I hope all is well. It looks like you had a great Halloween!

Best wishes,
P.S. Thanks for following my page on facebook! x;-)
Jess said…
Thanks Joanne! :)
Clare said…
Hi Jess, you are funny - scared of birds, I'm sure that must have a long name attached to the phobia. It's strange how images that we are uncomfortable with often pop up in our art. I love the bright colours you use - hope it chases all the fear away.
Jess said…
Thanks Clare, I think bright colours chasing away the fears is a good plan! :)
Rosie said…
Great photo and can I have the recipe please? There are three big pumpkins outside....
Rosie said…
Oh...I too share your fear of birds and have a magic "Maximus" owl that follows us from Canada, to Cuba, to Spain. It's small and white and we see it about once every two years.
Jess said…
Hi Rosie, yes I think owls are quite shy creatures and don't go out very often ;)
The recipe? I threw together with the pumpkin things I had in the fridge, sweet potato, onions, garlic, stick of celery and a sprinkling of paprika and a stock cube! Oh, and half a can of chick peas which I was going to throw away anyway but they worked really well with it all!:)
had never seen the undead version of “alice in wonderland” before, such fun picture!
xo sandra
Priti Lisa said…
I LOVE pumpkin soup! Is yours a little spicy?
I am fascinated by the left handed drawing. I tried it once and my drawing looked exactly like one of Lynne's. I just cannot do it! Yet.
You have a beautiful family, and a beautiful heart. It shines through in your art, ya know? ♥♥♥
Jess said…
Thanks Sandra!
Hi Priti, no the soup wasn't spicy, I don't like things too spicy! Thankyou so much for your kind words. ♥
Jess said…
Thanks Jenny :)

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