Eleven Eleven Eleven.

Blue Fire

It's the full moon this Thursday evening. I don't know what this will signify but I hope it brings peace and love to all those affected by last weekend's fire disaster on the M5. A road I travel really frequently, luckily not that night.

Another important day this week, this Friday is 11.11.11.

What does that mean to you?
Amongst other things, it means to me that my first baby will turn 33!

11+11+11 = 33!

Numberphobes please forgive my excitement. I have a 'thing' about numbers!
Yes, I'm old enough to be her mum (just!) I was a child bride...

Crikey what an outfit! Oh well, it was 1978 after all!

Can I say a big thankyou to new followers and of course precious 'old' ones too! :) I appreciate♥ so much that you come to visit me here on my blog. I love your comments and so grateful that you've taken the time to write to me. I try to answer every single one but I'm sorry if I miss one, it's usually because Blogger's occasional technical problems won't let me post and it's so frustrating!

Enjoy the beauty of the full moon and let's hope 11.11.11 brings special wishes for us all!


Clare said…
I'm also a number person. I was telling my daughter about 11.11 the other day and how so many people keep seeing this number and we get in the car and know guessed the rest. 11.11 - what can I say. Isn't blogging just the best thing - it's such a positive experience - so much love and kindness goes around - just what this tired sad old world needs.xox
Jess said…
Yes Clare I agree, blogging is one of the best things to have come from this internet lark. :)
It's weird how 11:11 is on the clock so often when we look at it randomly isn't it? Maybe we look at it at other times but it doesn't 'register' in our brains and we ignore the other times unwittingly?
Unknown said…
I was not with you on the number-thing until you said about the 11:11 on the clock. This has followed me for years (I always seem to look at the bedside clock then. It must mean we have a pretty accurate mental clock to hone it down to a minute in our subconsciousness.

Congratulations to your daughter for 33. You look rather lovely and romantic with that flower tucked under your hat.
Jess said…
Thanks Bella, romantic getting married so young but only a few months out of school! ;o)
Annie Lightbulb said…
Hi Jessie, so lovely to hear from you. I think we're doing the same. It's the thought of familness that keeps me going with the organising a decorating also. Must be the nuturing mum side of us.
Can I say photo, gorgeous!
Mmm! 11.11.11 what it means to me?
6 children all standing together. Do you think its a binary code message or something similar, like a tapping through time, the source talking to itself, sending an awakening call? Many thoughts? I wonder what we'll grow to learn in the future. This life as so been busy with all the changes, so exciting! Glad to be friends with you Jessie! :)
Robin Larkspur said…
I love your hat!! Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter! It's my husband's birthday too! May the full moon bring you many blessings and be chockful of happy energies!!!
WrightStuff said…
Grrr.... I hate blogger sometimes. Just wrote a long message and lost it!
Most of it was about this facebook group http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Hands-up-for-Peace-111111/163979193686428
Hands up for Peace 111111. Basically you get three people to stand in line and raise their arms in the air for peace. They were trying to get a million likes by Friday but are about 999,000 away!
Perhaps us bloggers could help out!
Rosie said…
111111 what a number! And full moon...and just missed by an asteroid. What a week...and I love your hat.
Kim Mailhot said…
I love blue fire !!!!

11-11 is Remembrance day in Canada and Veteran's Day in the US, where we honor and give thanks for those who have served our countries in the military. I choose to give thanks and focus on the Peace we can still find in our everyday lives. I am always thankful for that !
May your 11-11-11 be a peaceful one !
Carol said…
Yes, particularly thinking about those affected by loss today.
You made a lovely bride.
Carol xx
JessiVille said…
I'm a numbers gal too. This day of remembering and being 11/11/11 - it just seemed like I needed to take extra time to really reflect. So much has happened this year and it seems that things are pretty much crazy everywhere. So I hope this numbers phenomenon helps people to really stop and think of how much has been sacrificed in our quest for a peaceful world and to be inspired to go and spread peace.

Jessi xox
Jess said…
Thankyou for your thoughts ♥
I feel as though some kind of shift has happened, a good shift. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!x x x
Victoria said…
Wow..powerful piece..love the colors contrast...beeeautiful! And congrats to your baby..yay!

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