Illustration Friday: Mysterious

There's nothing more mysterious than the human mind!

Can I just say, thankyou for your lovely comments and for your visits to me here and big welcome to new followers! You're very much appreciated. :)


JR said…
Your blog is interesting, has left a great impression.
Best wishes
now this really is mysterious as to what she is thinking about....or maybe she is having a simple migraine....that is what those headaches look like sometimes:) Have a good weekend!
Love the purple, such a lovely creative colour...
xo sandra
ruth said…
I love what you've done here - just beautiful!
Kathryn Dyche said…
Oooh I really love that, the color is fantastic.
Robin Larkspur said…
Love the mysterious colors. Almost like a galaxy in the Universe.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful! This looks like a batik map of her mind. I love the organic flow and added texture.
Carol said…
Very different. As I look I can see two figures and, for me, I think it means she is in two minds about some decision.
Carol xx
Dear Fireflies said…
So, so beautiful, Jessie. This reminds me of a batik print...and yes, you're right about the human mind, although it's fun be get lost in one, don't you think? :))
Victoria said…
Wow..Gorgeous Jessie...I love that you chose lavenders and mystical purple hues to express the brain magic!! Beautiful!!

I agree..there is such a constant magical and mystical adventure inside this amazing chamber! Shine on..a spectacular post and creation!
your blog is just wonderful and so magic!!! -Susanna
Vilt og vakkert said…

Wonderful captured. Lilac is the most mysterious color I know, too ;:OD)
Jess said…
Thankyou. :) My favourite colour of course!
and witches also love this color...

you are so very kind to me, i was so very sad yes, i thought i would never draw anymore.

hope youve been well, xoxo
the lady in your header... is that you? she looks so sweet (just like you) ♥
Anonymous said…
Oh wow, this art is highly spiritual! Purple and coming out from the crown chakra, beautiful!
Zen Chakkra said…
So very true, our minds are amazing things!
Tammie Lee said…
I agree, that mind is quite a mystery and you have portrayed this beautifully!
Ana M.F. said…
I agree with that, sometimes we are a mystery even to ourselves.
Nice work, she has a whole universe inside her head, full of stars and flowers. No wonder she looks happy :)
Priti Lisa said…
Hi Jessica. I spent some time looking through your blog, and I have to say you are quite the illustrator. So pretty!
i was just dropping by to see what’s new in your world...
xo sandra
Jess said…
Thankyou so much for your lovely comments.xx
Anonymous said…
oooh, love your new name! I'm thinking your maybe an evolved soul?
There are different colours in souls with new souls to older souls. Purple is the highest colour umongst the ones that still coming to earth.
I have a doll vid on vimeo I think under heavenleighart name.
Huge smile:)

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