Illustration Friday: Obsession

This week at Illustration Friday, the word is 'obsession.'


Kathryn Dyche said…
Beautifully done, loving your header too.
Victoria said…
Wow Jessie...beautiful...I love the color palette and the energy of this scene...and adore the expression of these two enchanted hearts!
Gorgeous work!
Robin Larkspur said…
What a different painting, love the subject and the boat! Great colors. The rippling water is wonderful. I want to keep looking at this painting.
rachel awes said…
the love boat...
(remember that show?!!)...
love this!! smooch!
Clare said…
This art work makes me want to sail away from all the worries of everyday -
beautiful composition Jessie.i love this one very much love the colors, the emotion in it, and the fact the the fishes seem to be swimming against the current...
very nice xo sandra
Heather said…
ah, sweet romance - a perfect obession!
Tammie Lee said…
charmingly wonderful. I can feel their love or rather obsession.
Anonymous said…
oh hugging lovely!
Jess said…
Thankyou lovely people! :))
Julia Christie said…
This is gorgeous!!!!! and I love your header too! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

bekahjane said…
so lovely! happy friday and cheers:)
SaraLynnArt said…
Jessie, I think this is one of my favorite illustrations from you! I love the composition and colors. All of the little details are wonderful!
kathy hare said…
Beautiful Jess.. how wonderful yet painful this kind of obsession can be..
Forget the air, i'll breathe you instead... :))
Anonymous said…
Your drawings are just beautiful. This is gorgeous!

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